Just finished Indigo Prophecy


Nov 10, 2000
I'm currently working on my Instrument rating, which entails a lot of book work and study time. I needed some time off. I like games with strong stories, so I figured I'd check out Indigo Prophecy. AKA Farenheit in the rest of the world.

Damn fine game... If a little odd in places.

The graphics aren't that great... It's a console port and looks it. I was able to crank the res, AA and AF and get it looking pretty decent. It ran great on my x800pro VIVO @ x850xt-pe speeds. The ps2 is obviously the lowest common denominator here.

The controls were also heavily effected by the games console roots. Bust out the gamepad fellas, you're gonna need it. But the controls are even more funktified than just needing a gamepad. Remember the game Simon? The round thing with the four colored light up buttons that you had to hit in order? Yeah, that's how you control the action sequences. Weird as hell. They build up this cool story and atmosphere to suck you in, then they slam you out of the story and remind that you're just playing a game.

The game has issues, and some of the decisions they made are just plain weird, so what on earth kept me playing? And why do I think you should to?

The story. Which up till right near the end is outstanding. If you play, you'll know exactly where I went "huh?"

The voice acting. Stong story, strong actors.

The interactivity. What you do changes what happens later.

The music. Great fricken music.

I truly enjoyed it. It's not just another shooter or RTS. Think more along the lines af an interactive film, with a good story, great music and quality actors. Definatly worth the price of admission. Even more worth the price of a rental if you've a xbox or ps2.

I've been wanting to play this for awhile, but I'd rather play the REAL version "Farhenheit". I believe that it should be waiting for me when I get home. I hope it's as good as everyone says it is.
Maximus825 said:
I've been wanting to play this for awhile, but I'd rather play the REAL version "Farhenheit". I believe that it should be waiting for me when I get home. I hope it's as good as everyone says it is.

What's the difference between farhenheit and IP? I was actually thinking about picking this up soon.
jubei said:
What's the difference between farhenheit and IP? I was actually thinking about picking this up soon.

Indigo Prophecy is the North American version that was censored so it could get released. Farhenheit is the version that the devs wanted you to play.
so how would one in NA get that version? Can it some how be patched back to the original? If not that changes everything. I really don't want to play a watered down version knowing that there are things I'm missing.
Hm, looks like they wont ship here. There was another place that someone posted that will import it.
The only difference is some virtual nipple... Nothing that really has any bearing on the story one way or another. I don't really see the point in not playing what's available just because it's been edited out.

On the other hand. What the fuck? Why edit it? I don't understand... Are we still a bunch of Puritans in this country?

This is the world we live in post "hot cofee." Fricken rediculous.

so how would one in NA get that version? Can it some how be patched back to the original? If not that changes everything. I really don't want to play a watered down version knowing that there are things I'm missing.

It doesn't change much. The NA patch just deletes some sex scenes/nudity which doesn't take away much from the actual game.

And I agree, it's a great game!
Sounds like you really liked it. I can't decide if I want to finish up Quake IV before I start playing or not. How long did it take you from start to finish?
Good review. I finished it a while ago and i agree it's one of the most unique and entertaining games i've ever played. Those who haven't played it should really give it a try.
Excellent game, I've actually been meaning to replay it but I still have B&W2 to finish and I want to try Civ 4.
Excellent game, I just finished it the other day too. First game I didn't get bored playing in a loooong time. It seemed kind of short actually.
I'm just starting it, but some of the actors are Elementary Thanksgiving Play worthy.
This game is absolutely killer. One of the few games Ive played in the last couple of years that had me truly wanting to finish it to see how it all ended. The "simon" sequences could get to be a bit much, but I still very much enjoyed the game, probably my favorite of the year thus far.

BTW, I played the Fahrenheit version...the sex scenes arent anything to write home about...I found them funny more than anything else.
Chalk another one up for it being a great game. I finished it a couple weeks ago then started f.e.a.r.....and I miss it. lol. Awesome story/atmosphere, but too damn short.
I'd say 6-10 hours, depending on how much you decide to explore your surroundings. I finished it in about 4 days playing a couple hours a night.
Thanks for the good reviews guys. Think I will pick this up. I am dieing for a game with an great story.