Just Finished FEAR.... Have Questions. Spoilers WARNING


Aug 24, 2005
Ok, so i finished the game, im pretty happy with it, it was a little lame, but so are most games. anyway, what the hell?? whats the story? am i supposed to be alma's kid? isnt she a 10 year old girl? wtf? i play with sound turned down sometimes, so i probably missed something. i dont get it.
yes, Alma Wade is your mother

BTW, if you have the directors cut DVD under bonus content there is a FEAR prequel which explains the story more, there is also FEAR commentary, the making of FEAR and FEAR machinima, they all really help explain the story and game better

it's pretty cool stuff
Brent_Justice said:
yes, Alma Wade is your mother

BTW, if you have the directors cut DVD under bonus content there is a FEAR prequel which explains the story more, there is also FEAR commentary, the making of FEAR and FEAR machinima, they all really help explain the story and game better

it's pretty cool stuff

ok, if shes the mother, why do we see her as a child? also, i cant believe there wasnt an end boss....that was kinda lame.
this isn't the kind of story that has an end boss

ok, from watching the FEAR Prequel video here is what i learned: (fyi it's a real live action video, they actually filmed this with a real girl and everything) it's worth getting the directors cut dvd for all this cool stuff

as a child (which we see in the game) Alma was put in this facility called Armacham Technology Corpororation, she has a case number and the date is 10/18/2005, think of The Ring here, she's in a chair, restrained, can't see her face, she starts acting all freaky, dissapearing, moving from place to place like she were superman, basically it looks like she can make people see things, really freak them out in a ghostly mannor without even moving, she was kept in a cell there, it's really freaky

i'll watch the others and see if i can learn more about the story
I was kind of bummed about how the creepy guy gets killed. I was expecting more than a single pistol shot with him crouching on the floor.
Most satisfying moment: Watching Paxton snacking on that stupid chick that kept running away from you.

Biggest letdown: Not getting to shoot that fat slob that kept sabotoging your progress throughout the game.
calluum said:
Ok, so i finished the game, im pretty happy with it, it was a little lame, but so are most games. anyway, what the hell?? whats the story? am i supposed to be alma's kid? isnt she a 10 year old girl? wtf? i play with sound turned down sometimes, so i probably missed something. i dont get it.

The Percious Project was started with the intention of creating a clone army that could be controled by a telepathic leader. To achive this goal the Origin Project was created.

Alma Wade (I don't believe shes related to Harlan, just a name that was given to her) Was a girl who they found had physic abilities, they realized that she was very sensitive to the negitive emotions of people, so she was placed into a coma a day before her 8th birthday, and put in the "CELL".

When she was around 15, Harlan Wade genetically altered a fetus and put it in Alma to gestate. The results were YOU and Paxton. For whatever reason you were placed in another program (which you were not aware of) and Paxton was the Prototype they plained to use in the Percious Project.

They placed Alma back into a coma and she remained there for a a few more years. When Paxton was 10 years old Alma influenced him and he went on a rampage (killing a few people) This was known as the "Synchronicity Event". Once they realized Alma was telepathicly communicating with Paxton, they freaked out and shut down the Origin Project. Alma Died 6 days later. They simply closed the vault and left it closed.

Genevieve Alistien (the President of Armatec) decided that the Origin site was a waste not to be used. She reopened the vault and sent in a team. This awakened an evil, that was dead 18 year old Alma. The team was killed and the vault resealed! But Alma is now awake and projecting the image of her self at 8, She takes control of Paxtons mind.

The rest you know.

MGS-esck Phone call at end of the credits informs you that YOU (Prototype 1) has proven a great sucsess!
Dammit!! I want the Director's cut now. This sucks.

The best line in the whole game (as far as I've played anyway) is when you are in the water treatment plant and you are heading towards the catwalk above the pool and to your right is a doorway and a ghost is standing there and he says: "She's afraid of you." as you walk by.

I was like. "Yeah, I'm gonna kick that 10 year old's ass."
Majin said:
The Percious Project was started with the intention of creating a clone army that could be controled by a telepathic leader. To achive this goal the Origin Project was created.

Alma Wade (I don't believe shes related to Harlan, just a name that was given to her) Was a girl who they found had physic abilities, they realized that she was very sensitive to the negitive emotions of people, so she was placed into a coma a day before her 8th birthday, and put in the "CELL".

When she was around 15, Harlan Wade genetically altered a fetus and put it in Alma to gestate. The results were YOU and Paxton. For whatever reason you were placed in another program (which you were not aware of) and Paxton was the Prototype they plained to use in the Percious Project.

They placed Alma back into a coma and she remained there for a a few more years. When Paxton was 10 years old Alma influenced him and he went on a rampage (killing a few people) This was known as the "Synchronicity Event". Once they realized Alma was telepathicly communicating with Paxton, they freaked out and shut down the Origin Project. Alma Died 6 days later. They simply closed the vault and left it closed.

Genevieve Alistien (the President of Armatec) decided that the Origin site was a waste not to be used. She reopened the vault and sent in a team. This awakened an evil, that was dead 18 year old Alma. The team was killed and the vault resealed! But Alma is now awake and projecting the image of her self at 8, She takes control of Paxtons mind.

The rest you know.

MGS-esck Phone call at end of the credits informs you that YOU (Prototype 1) has proven a great sucsess!

wow, thanks for the info..i have the directors cut, just havent watched anything except a bit of the commentary thing. its a good storyline. i just wish paxton wouldnt have gone out like a bitch. iwas hoping for a kickass battle with him. by the way, at the end when everything is blowing up and heading towards you, that was a badass movie moment.
**Edit** lets just hope uwe boll doesnt get ahold of this.