Just downloaded Mozilla Firefox...have LOTZ of probs...are there solutions???

Oct 23, 2002
Hey there...I decided to give Mozilla Firefox...so far RIGHT after the download I'd rate it a 3.5/10...it sux so far...I did some tweaks and stuff and it rose to a 4.75/10 maybe...I just don't see why ppl like this better than IE...am I missing something???

1. Flash doesn't work
2. the text looks different somehow than IE
3. I can't move the toolbars around...I can move the buttons but not the whole blank bar
4. I can't use ANY of the progs that have intergrated features for IE like FlashGet, Offline Explorer, etc...
5. Scrolling is a bit jerky and isn't smooth and I can't use my mouse button 3
6. viewing files on the hard drive using it is worthless so forget fully replacing IE
7. whenever I am "focused" in a text box the scroll doesn't work
8. the scroll up/down buttons on the MX700 don't scroll as fast as in IE
9. when pressing the back/forward button on my mouse Firefox is much slower going back and forth between already seen pages than IE
10. keyboard buttons don't work in Firefox like they do in IE
11. Doesn't have the Image Toolbar like in IE...I use it a lot to save pics and/or print them
12. When clicking on the smiley icons on the left the textbar moves to the middle of the text box

Those are the things that are bugging me so far...and I haven't really started to use it...are there any solutions to these problems??? Am I just not the right kind of person to use Firefox or something??? Is Firfox not for me??? THANX
C'YA :cool:
1.) You have to install flash into the plugins directory
2.) text looks the same for me when I installed it
3.) I never really do this anyways, so I can't help
4.) Never had a problem with those, I don't use those programs either
5.) I can use every button on my mouse just fine (logitech dual mouseman optical). Smooth scrolling isn't perfect in Firefox, so it's disabled in options by default.
6.) Why are you viewing files on your hard drive in Firefox? And for that matter, that's just Explorer, not Internet Explorer
7.) I just tried it with a few text boxes...it scrolls for me
8.) Yes, scrolling I find is a little slower than in IE, nothing I can't live with.
9.) Okay, so it takes Firefox about half a second more for any of the page to render. I don't find it much of a problem.
10.) well, they're not the same program. I like firefox's keystroke commands better (find as you type is pretty good).
11.) Once again, a feature I don't use, so I can't help you there.
12.) That's weird; doesn't happen to me.

Firefox is probably too radical or different for you. It's not for everyone.
Use IE or crazybrowser or myIE2.
Originally posted by Metallica_Band
Hey there...I decided to give Mozilla Firefox...so far RIGHT after the download I'd rate it a 3.5/10...it sux so far...I did some tweaks and stuff and it rose to a 4.75/10 maybe...I just don't see why ppl like this better than IE...am I missing something???

1. Flash doesn't work
2. the text looks different somehow than IE
3. I can't move the toolbars around...I can move the buttons but not the whole blank bar
4. I can't use ANY of the progs that have intergrated features for IE like FlashGet, Offline Explorer, etc...
5. Scrolling is a bit jerky and isn't smooth and I can't use my mouse button 3
6. viewing files on the hard drive using it is worthless so forget fully replacing IE
7. whenever I am "focused" in a text box the scroll doesn't work
8. the scroll up/down buttons on the MX700 don't scroll as fast as in IE
9. when pressing the back/forward button on my mouse Firefox is much slower going back and forth between already seen pages than IE
10. keyboard buttons don't work in Firefox like they do in IE
11. Doesn't have the Image Toolbar like in IE...I use it a lot to save pics and/or print them
12. When clicking on the smiley icons on the left the textbar moves to the middle of the text box

1) re-install flash, and make sure it sees that FireFox is installed.
2) ... looks the same for me
3) This is a different program, it behaves differently than IE
4) see 3. Plugins for IE won't work with a program that isn't IE
5) Try the smoothwheel plugin, but personally I find smooth scrolling makes me nauseous.
6) ?? A browser should only be used to view webpages... (opinion, so dont get all upset)
7) This is by design... if you have lots of text (so the text gets a scroll bar) the text box will scroll. (personally, it's quite helpful to me)
8) Of course not, They scroll faster ;)
9) I think firefox checks to see if the page changed (which is imho retarded) whereas IE will pull it from cache no matter what.
10) see #3
11) see #10
12) :( ok, that is annoying... it's probably "resetting" itself somehow though, maybe it's how Firefox handles javascript/forms...
I don't think I like Firefox very well...IE is CLEARLY superior in MANY ways...not ALL...but many...and with SP2 coming out it will make IE even BETTER...I've been trying out SP2 on another machine and it's pretty awesome...hell...Firefox isn't even at version 1!!! it needs MANY fixes...just check out the huge bugs list...I DO like some of the unique thing...crap...