Just curious....


Jun 19, 2003
What exactly is that smell that all computers have.....you know that smell when you walk into a computer lab or something....does anyone else know what im talking about?....im just curious?

Thank You


PS i just noticed it the first time in my room (first time to have 3 comps running in my room)
Plastic? Burning Plastic? The computer labs in my school all smell like wood and dry wall since they are all new.
i dont think anyone knows what it is. its computer smell. who the fuck knows what the new car smell is?!?!
...it's all the stabilizers and plasticizers slowly baking out of every piece of plastic and vinal in the machine. New wires = soft and flexable; Old wires = hard and brittle.

....breathe deep.....:eek:

I was once in the Cincinnati datacenter, it smelled exacty like that
It was like a WalMart, but the isles were from Sun cpu units and smc storage units
I've noticed tree distinctive computer smells.

The first of which is the clean, properly running computer. A hint of ozone perhaps, plus warm plastic- ie vapourising plasticisers.

The next is the cockroach infested computer. The odour must be smelt to be understood. I pulled one apart for parts when it died, even nearly a year after the fact and having been scrubbed repeatedly... the individual components still reek strongly of it.

The last smell is the 'computer lab' smell. It's a combination of poorly maintained and dusty computers- you'll get your ozone, your heated plastic and hot dust smell, plus you'll also get your 'foreign student lack of deoderant' and 'fat kid bum crack sweat' smells. Combined, those last two are a truly prodigous odour. Beware.
Unfortunately, in our computer labs, that smell is most likely coming from the users.

Come to think of it, it is coming from the fat greasy haired hermets that sit in front of me in class also . . . :mad: :rolleyes:

Two words for anyone who meets the above description: Shower NOW!!!
Originally posted by FrothyByte
Unfortunately, in our computer labs, that smell is most likely coming from the users.

Come to think of it, it is coming from the fat greasy haired hermets that sit in front of me in class also . . . :mad: :rolleyes:

Two words for anyone who meets the above description: Shower NOW!!!

Those people will, hopefully, learn proper hygiene eventually:( less likely sooner than later, though.
There's always that 1 person where you work or go to school that refuses to take a shower and wear deodorant, what makes it worse is when they use a whole tube of gel to keep the flakes down.:rolleyes: I had to sit next to that kid in my computer tech shop, I was always getting in trouble for moving to another computer too, teacher had no sympathy.:mad: