Just bought 200 shares @ 8.74

long term investment.. stocks should go up with the thubans and will most likely go up with the bulldozer when it comes out.. welcome to the stock market and tech stocks..

8.74x200= 1748
9.77x200= 1954.. + 200 dollars isnt bad for only 2 years if you really think about it..

Long term investment would be 2000 or more shares, not 200.....
200 shares is like, get in, hope (or know) this shit is gonna hit the fan (in a good way) and get out with a profit... $200 over 2 yrs is actially a wash in current economy...

To me it would be waisted money, that could've been used on better things (stock)....
I bought 30,000 shares at 2.24 back in November of 2008 with some extra money I got from a Bank of America Credit Card offer that, for some unfathomable reason gave me 50K for a year interest free ( and with some of my own money thrown in for some extra shares). I was nervous and hopeful and sold half the stock at 4.24 some months later and paid off the credit card and proceeded to buy some more shares a bit later for a total of 19,940 shares that I currently own free and clear. I am now doing the :eek::D:eek::D dance. Crosses fingers for next year with Bulldozer and 6000 series ATI cards etc. I could have been the ultimate moron but for some reason took a chance ... Kids ... don't try this at home.
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I bought 30,000 shares at 2.24 back in November of 2008 with some extra money I got from a Bank of America Credit Card offer that, for some unfathomable reason gave me 50K for a year interest free ( and with some of my own money thrown in for some extra shares). I was nervous and hopeful and sold half the stock at 4.24 some months later and paid off the credit card and proceeded to buy some more shares a bit later for a total of 19,940 shares that I currently own free and clear. I am now doing the dance. Crosses fingers for next year with Bulldozer and 6000 series ATI cards etc. I could have been the ultimate moron but for some reason took a chance ... Kids ... don't try this at home.

Wow I can't believe you did that. Glad to hear that paid off for you but you broke some cardinal rules of investing badly.
Wow I can't believe you did that. Glad to hear that paid off for you but you broke some cardinal rules of investing badly.

Yeppers but I had enough investments that it wouldn't have harmed me if it had failed. (Though I never thought it was going to fail). I had heard in the wind about a foundry spin-off and thought that would help them and at worst I was out around 50K. Even though they were losing money at the time I looked at the longer term and took a flyer.
Sell it. Lock the profit now:D

Who knows what gonna happened in the next few quarters;)

who knows? most likely a lot more profit since AMD announced they will have a 5k series refresh in the second half of 2010.. then the bulldozer in 2011.. i see more profit then losses for this year..
LOL. good to read a "happy story" here. happy stories happen in gambling some times. more likely though person x loses his ass and stops investing. they just don't post stories about it. with wall street continually pulling money out of the stock market via commissions it is false to say that it is a zero-sum gain. Most people are losers, the only question is how much.