Just being Paranoid...


Nov 4, 2003
I know I'm just being paranoid, but I built a second computer a little while back but I just realized while doing some wiremanagement that the two motherboards (both Abit NF7-S rev2) there are a few slight discrepencies in the boards, well other then the fact that the northbridge fan on one of them is LOUD as hell. Off the top of my head, the little bar on the side of the processor socket is metal on one and plastic on the other... is there a reason for this or am I just paranoid?
I know that with the DFI LPII they changed from a metal bar to the plastic bar, or vice versa. It was only a cosmetic change. Also the boards were first made in Taiwan then they switched to China because they changed manufacturing plants. It made no difference at all if the bars were plastic or metal. Same performance.
it's a different manufacturing revision.. They're still both rev 2.0's, but they used slightly different parts after awhile..

I can't remember which one came first (I want to say the plastic bar one did), but the older one of the two is supposed to OC better..

the loud HSF is just a problem with that fan.. some boards had some with that issue.. it's not a real big deal, unless it dies.. I'd probably just rip it off and put a different HSF on it..
first off, all of abits northbridge fans really suck. That one that you have that is loud is prob about to die. They get louder with the kiss of death. Abit builds a good board, but they should leave off the fan and give us 5$ off for the pain in the ass it is to mount a good one. Heck while I am at it all the boardmakers use crap NB fans. ASUS, CHaincrap, Abit...etc. Change it before you mount it. Its only 10$
Use a waterblock on the NB and you wont worry