Jumping into JSP and beans for the web.


Aug 13, 2001
My boss has been playing around with this stuff for a few months now and is going to get me started on it. for those that don't know, JSP is yet another server side web scripting language. It calls on java beans for its functions and from what I've seen so far, can do some pretty funky stuff!
Something interesting as a tease, is it cache's alot of the values and strings being thrown around, so there is no need to keep posting values through a form or a query string. i think...
We're using ORIAN web server too which should be interesting...

Once I'm knee deep in it, I'll post some more info on how things are going. wish me luck.
yup, please do keep us posted. I work with a few Java developers who are pretty gung-ho about getting me to explore JSP, so it would be interesting to see it from the perspective of someone who's starting from scratch.
Hehe....welcome to the club :) Just for a couple of pointers, JSP is not a server-side scripting language - it's a page containing portions of the full-blown Java language.

I started off with JSP/servlets and beans, but I quickly found that for decently sized sites, Struts is the way forward. The basic structure is that of a single front-controller servlet through which all requests pass.

A good IDE for all Java work is Eclipse (which is free), and a handy set of plugins for JSP and Struts is MyEclipse, which also has all sorts of useful plugins for Eclipse, such as intellisense-like functionality for JSP tags (including custom tags), Struts configuration, XML, database management for any JDBC database, and integration with practically any Java container out there (I use Resin for development, myself - Orion's too picky for me). It does cost $29.95, though. If you just want to do JSP and servlets etc, you might want to check out the Lomboz plugins - they basically take care of the XML and JSP side of things (although its support for custom tag libraries was a bit ropey last time I checked).

Anyway, good luck with it :)