JodathMorr's Petty FS/T Thread


Jul 2, 2004
Hi everyone. In short, I have a whole bunch of things lying about my room which I NEED to get rid of in under a month's time (before I go back to college), so please, browse at your convience and check back often since I will be adding many more items soon.


Crumpler Bureau Camera Bag (Never used) $25
I bought this in order to get free shipping from and figured I'd put some camera stuff in here. Turns out I no longer use my digital camera anyway, so I never used this bag at all. Lots of space inside and again, its never been used.


Leki Sierra Photo Mount Walking Pole (Never used) $30
Bought in order to use while trekking or camping and I planned on using the photo mount to take some outdoor shots. Never really ended up doing all that, so its been sitting in my room for sometime. Great for walking with on rough terrain or hitting people with.


Ogio Fugitive Laptop Backpack $30
Used for 1 semester in college. Held all of my books, my keys, sunglasses, ipod (in a fleece lined pouch), water bottle, other misc stuff, and ofcourse my laptop. Great bag and no signs of use. I can provide more pictures if needed.


Oakley Large Soft Vault Sunglasses Case $15
Not quite sure why I bought this. I figured it'd be a good replacement for the bag, but its a little big for my backpack. Makes a great case to keep in the car. Flawless condition.


3 Port Firewire PCI Card $7
Bought this off of Newegg. Kind of obsolete for me since I now own a laptop. Works perfectly.


Belkin 802.11b Wireless Access Point $10
Never ever used. Took it out of the box but later realized that I couldn't use it in my college dorm room.


Sony SS-MB150H Stereo Bookshelf Speakers $28
I used there for my record player at college. They sound fantastic and take up almost no space. Hook up to a receiver and you're good to go. Shipping will be $10 with this item because of the weight of the speakers.


Guitar Stand $7
This stand lives in my bedroom and serves the important purpose of holding my bass. The stand has never traveled to gigs or gotten banged up in transit. Perfect stand, bass guitar not included.

Again, more will be added soon, but I think this is a good start. Please email me at [email protected]. I don't notice/check PMs often, but since this thread is now up I will try my best. My Ebay feedback can be found here and my Heatware profile can be found here Shipping is a flat $6. I accept Paypal ([email protected]) and money orders. Thanks and happy buying!
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soon to be added:

Light meter (Ambi/flash)
Guitar stand
Sony Hi Fi Speakers
Leki Photo Mount Hiking Pole
Crumpler Photo Bag

Just gotta upload pictures and figure out prices. Stay tuned
I will be out of town until early Saturday. I might still have internet access but I can't guarentee anything :p. Till then, keep emailing and posting and I will do my best to get those new items up. Thanks!