Jobs Bashed Intel In His Biography

Trade off for what? It's a mobile chip. It's fine for what they are - and more efficient where they're needed - battery duration.

Don't tell me you're happy with "strong" Atom powered smartphones that can do 4 hours of calls and 2 hours of Angry Birds. Not a trade off I'd prefer.

Sorry, I was taking about laptop CPUs whereas you were talking about phones/tablets i.e. Atom. The fact that the article also flips between these hurts the discussion.

What chafes here is that Jobs is acting like he knows Intel's business better than Intel does. Same idea as the story posted earlier. Intel moves like a steamship because it's vastly more efficient (i.e. profitable) to make as few designs as possible and mass-produce them than it is to make a chip just to meet Apple's needs. Might be different now considering the number of phones/tablets Apple sells but it wouldn't have made sense at the time. "We tried to help Intel" ... what a douche.

Also, funny nobody quoted Intel here:
Isaacson also includes a rebuttal from Intel CEO Paul Otellini. "It would have made sense for the iPad to use Intel chips. The problem...was that Apple and Intel couldn't agree on price. Also, they disagreed on who would control the design," according to the book.

Now THAT sounds like Jobs/Apple. ARM would still be more power efficient but I'm 99% certain Otellini's speaking the truth here.
genius my ass -- when you put together all the stories of his crazy antics and ravings over the decades, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had some kinda mental issue. ]

/Glad he's gone
//won't miss him a bit.

Being a controlling, arrogant, self-centered son of a bitch doesn't preclude someone from being very intelligent. Jobs was a genus when it came to marketing and he seemed to usually have a good eye for what will be a big hit.
Now that Macs are literally just shiny PCs running a different OS, anyone that compares specs and isn't blinded by the shiny package can see that they are overpriced and underwhelming. Amazing what marketing can do.

And as far as the "hate" many of us have for Apple/Jobs, it is due in part to years of snarky Apple marketing riddled with (mostly) baseless PC-bashing grating on our ears, and the religious fanboy arguments defending said Apple superiority claims to the last breath, facts/benchmarks/reality etc be damned. I certainly didn't wish any bad health on the guy, but I won't miss him as far as computers go.

LOL PC fangirls are funny. Did those big mean Mac fangirls make fun of your ugly PCs for years, hurt your feelings? Make you sad? Awe those crazy kids. Kids can be so mean..

Now you are all more obsessed over looks, lights, colors and matching shoes and top than Macheads ever were.

It's all technology, just computers. Get over it. It's all the same shit.
Being a controlling, arrogant, self-centered son of a bitch doesn't preclude someone from being very intelligent. Jobs was a genus when it came to marketing and he seemed to usually have a good eye for what will be a big hit.

He was smart enough to design, build and market computers from his garage and onward at the start, build a company from the ground up and be one of the most successful assholes in the world. Seems pretty smart to me.

Also what wrong with being an asshole? That's how you get shit done. I find that dumb people are usually the ones to get butt hurt and cry about big mean assholes the most.
genius my ass -- when you put together all the stories of his crazy antics and ravings over the decades, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had some kinda mental issue. ]

/Glad he's gone
//won't miss him a bit.

I couldn't agree more. F him and Apple too.
Being a controlling, arrogant, self-centered son of a bitch doesn't preclude someone from being very intelligent. Jobs was a genus when it came to marketing and he seemed to usually have a good eye for what will be a big hit.

He was a genus and species all his own. assholicus jobus
He was smart enough to design, build and market computers from his garage and onward at the start, build a company from the ground up and be one of the most successful assholes in the world. Seems pretty smart to me.

Also what wrong with being an asshole? That's how you get shit done. I find that dumb people are usually the ones to get butt hurt and cry about big mean assholes the most.

I don't think anyone's saying the man wasn't intelligent, but the implication is that he is some kind of technical genius, which he wasn't. It doesn't take a genius to run even a wildly successful business, it's more about having vision, hiring the right people etc. He acted like he knew everything and the media behaved as if he did, which chafes.

Come to think of it, considering how often he ventured into madness, I'd say he was a genius as he fits the genius/madness mold perfectly.

It's one thing to be a "get shit done" asshole and another to be an asshole just because you can/people will listen. I'm sure he did a lot of the former but there are many public examples of the latter.
Someone made a joke that it's ironic that what killed Steve Jobs had the initials PC (pancreatic cancer). :D
Someone made a joke that it's ironic that what killed Steve Jobs had the initials PC (pancreatic cancer). :D


Seriously, what would happen if Apple had adopted Intel since the begining?? I think Apple would not be.

The "different" architecture gave Apple a name, wich eventually became the Apple environment.

If Jobs said what he said was inside a context and cannot be taken away from what was going on in that time.
genius my ass -- when you put together all the stories of his crazy antics and ravings over the decades, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had some kinda mental issue. ]

/Glad he's gone
//won't miss him a bit.

Many knew from the get-go the Job's-Apple hype machine was just that, hype.
Still a very strong hate from [H] even after the person is dead.

RIP Steve (the famous one)

That's what happens if you stir the pot amongst the lemmings while the nurse momma Intel.

Steve Jobs is the gift that keeps on giving :rolleyes:

I'm sick of hearing about this guy still.
As much as I can respect Jobs' accomplishments the way he faced death was nothing but a spiteful and moronic disgrace.
Seals the deal for me. Never ever buying an Apple product anymore.

Intel >>>>>> Apple. I don't know what Jobs thinks he had, but his items are complete rubbish outside of personal users(Haven't seen Apple products in big companies, ever except maybe an Iphone but that is a personal product)
I'll kinda agree that Intel is not innovating until it's really necessary. They are trying to do the Apple business model and build things that you need to replace in 6 months. I'm sure if they really wanted to they could build some super high tech 1000 ghz cpu that will last everyone their lifetime. But there is no money in that!
Steve Jobs doesn't bother me - a bit of douche sure but most top business guys are. You have to stand up for what you believe in - and sometimes if you believe in something stupid - you are going to look stupid. :p

OTOH his 'fans' which come out of the woodwork and stick up for him on every single Fin forum on the internet. They are crazy annoying. It was pretty douchey to tell that engineer to redesign the board because it wasn't pretty. It's not like anyone every except for a repair guy is going to look at the board.. And its perfectly relevant to this thread - as an example of his douchey behaviour and his lack of technical ability..

Again not a big deal - I might have said the same thing if I was in Jobs place back then.
Let's take the Atom for instance. The lowest idle power state direct from Intel is 100mW. The lowest idle power state of ARM? Under 1mW. Can you really say Intel doesn't have a few things to learn about lower power usage from ARM designs?

But they both follow drastically different design principles.

ARM has something like 37 registers and something like 50-60 instructions with only three or four different instruction types. Depending on what chip and ISA that chip follows.
As much as I can respect Jobs' accomplishments the way he faced death was nothing but a spiteful and moronic disgrace.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. The only time I've heard him specifically discuss the prospect of death was his opinion that one's mortality is the single best motivator for innovation and that death clears out the old and makes room for the new.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. The only time I've heard him specifically discuss the prospect of death was his opinion that one's mortality is the single best motivator for innovation and that death clears out the old and makes room for the new.

Would you have opted for his method of treating cancer? I wouldn't, and even he regretted it, pretty stupid trying to treat cancer the way he did initially. And an autobiography that comes out just weeks after his death slamming people? Just low class and spiteful knowing full well that people would hold back from counter attacking him because he is recently deceased.

This is what I mean.
Would you have opted for his method of treating cancer? I wouldn't, and even he regretted it, pretty stupid trying to treat cancer the way he did initially. And an autobiography that comes out just weeks after his death slamming people? Just low class and spiteful knowing full well that people would hold back from counter attacking him because he is recently deceased.

This is what I mean.
Personally, the idea that the initial stuff he tried and believed in resonates with me for roughly similar reasons but I probably would have caved a lot sooner if I was in his shoes because I'm scared of death.

In regards to whether he slammed Intel, it's really unfortunate that the majority of people won't read the article because he doesn't slam Intel in the slightest. In fact, the article is clear that Jobs credited Intel with powerful and fast processors but that they just weren't headed in what he thought the right direction for mobile applications should go--a position that is now correct in hindsight as even Intel themselves are finally shifting their designs.

Even more interesting is that the article points out that:
And there was another side to Jobs relationship with Intel, particularly its highly-respected former CEO Andy Grove. Isaacson describes Grove as a "mentor" to Jobs.
Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar agrees. "Jobs was very deferential to Andy Grove. Jobs looked up to him," said Kumar.
His criticisms were that Intel moved too slowly for Apple, a company that continually redesigned and sheds entire product lines sometimes as soon as 12-15 month cycles. Am I incorrect in pointing out that Intel can take upwards of a decade to shift architecture?

Jobs also is quoted as saying he didn't want to teach Intel what they knew. Are people here really so ridiculously anti-Apple that they can't understand that whatever Jobs felt he knew he didn't want to share and given what we know about the AMD-Intel relationship it's not unreasonable to suspect that Intel would want a hefty cross-licensing agreement before playing ball?

Apple is very much a this is our ball and we don't want to play catch with you unless it's on our terms. I don't think that is anything particularly unique to Jobs in his role as a CEO. As a person it's pretty clear from everything I've read and heard that the people heading the industry, maybe not the regular people, but Gates, Woz, Grove seemed to have good interpersonal relationships with Jobs.
Intel themselves are finally shifting their designs.

As if Steve Jobs invented the die-shrink... This is not an Apple-centric industry trend.

Classic Jobs attack technique: be a condescending douche about somebody or something ("teaching" Intel about chip design) and then make a tangential half-compliment (Intel is the best for high power computing, but only if you "care" about that) so he can pretend to not be an ass. Apple bought a couple patent/design portfolios and an ARM license.

He died with $8B net worth and three children, and apparently his concern at the time was destroying Google's mobile operating system by any means necessary. His choice, but a douche-factor multiplier nonetheless.

And I agree 100% with the post about the attacks-from-the grave that are his biography. Cheap shots, all of them.
Personally, the idea that the initial stuff he tried and believed in resonates with me for roughly similar reasons but I probably would have caved a lot sooner if I was in his shoes because I'm scared of death.

In regards to whether he slammed Intel, it's really unfortunate that the majority of people won't read the article because he doesn't slam Intel in the slightest. In fact, the article is clear that Jobs credited Intel with powerful and fast processors but that they just weren't headed in what he thought the right direction for mobile applications should go--a position that is now correct in hindsight as even Intel themselves are finally shifting their designs.

Whether it resonates or not the shit didn't work and generally doesn't when it comes to cancer, we're not talking about high blood pressure. It would be like trying to use holistic medicine to treat a gunshot wound. Cancer runs in my family so yeah, it's nothing to fucking play around with.

And as far as the slamming goes it was more than Intel.
Still a very strong hate from [H] even after the person is dead.

RIP Steve (the famous one)

You Apple fans keep saying this every time this site points out something bad about Apple or Jobs, and yet you guys keep coming back (and repeat the same thing). :rolleyes:
You Apple fans keep saying this every time this site points out something bad about Apple or Jobs, and yet you guys keep coming back (and repeat the same thing). :rolleyes:

The really funny part. The (the famous one).

While Jobs was more of a media whore, for anyone who gave a shit about engineering instead of Jobsian Feng Shui, Woz was the one who would be considered (the famous one).

Steve Jobs was the Paris Hilton of the computing industry and most of his "achievements" are little more than "Chuck Norris Facts".
Considering the state of the world today, I don't give a shit about Jobs or his "legacy" The man was a dick, was as innovative as Edison, and his infamous arrogance ironically killed his ass.

Find cancerous tumors in the early stages?
Sit on it for nine months and go on a holistic diet.
You Apple fans keep saying this every time this site points out something bad about Apple or Jobs, and yet you guys keep coming back (and repeat the same thing). :rolleyes:

Do you agree with Jobs or is the H headline misleading? How's your intel mobile device working out for you?
So the portion directly above the part you quoted:

What exactly is this saying to you that you felt it relevant to the thread?

I think this illustrate better what he meant to say:

Steve Jobs was finally ready to acknowledge reality and give up on the Twiggy drive. When he saw the Sony drive he loved it, and immediately wanted to adapt it for the Mac. But instead of doing the obvious thing and striking a deal with Sony, Steve decided that Apple should take what we learned from Twiggy and engineer our own version of a 3.5" drive, working with our Japanese manufacturing partner Alps Electronics, who manufactured the Apple II floppy drives at a very low cost.

(big snip)

As predicted, a few weeks later the Alps team came back with an eighteen month estimate for getting their drive into production, and we had to abandon the project. When Bob Belleville revealed that he and George had kept the Sony alternative alive, Steve swallowed his pride and thanked them for disobeying him and doing the right thing. The Sony drives eventually worked out great, and it's hard to imagine what the Mac would have been like without them today.