Jetway A210GDMS New Bios


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2005
Hey, I was just browsing the Jetway site and I noticed a new bios out.

The only thing that it says is updated though is

Support Winbond W39V040BP FLASHROM.(For A210GDMS PRO)

Anyone know what this means? Will it help it's overclockability or anything? Anyway, I'll try it out later when I get the time, post here if you notice anything after flashing.
wonders myself , will it help on fsb?

meanwhile back to testing this 3800+ x2 on this jetway board


Did you ever find a bios to resolve your SCSI/SATA boot issue? I have a new LSI RAID adapter I was thinking about using, but it stalls when it tries to load the drives. Works fine on other boards and when I unplug the drive. Looks like it is skipping the CD-ROM bootloader and trying to load straight from the drive. Which is a problem when you are trying to install Windows and can't use another adapter because the boot info is stored on the adapter...

Btw, what was your max stable clock on the Jetway? 267, was it?

Will try this new bios in a sec.
sleepeeg3 said:
Did you ever find a bios to resolve your SCSI/SATA boot issue? I have a new LSI RAID adapter I was thinking about using, but it stalls when it tries to load the drives. Works fine on other boards and when I unplug the drive. Looks like it is skipping the CD-ROM bootloader and trying to load straight from the drive. Which is a problem when you are trying to install Windows and can't use another adapter because the boot info is stored on the adapter...

Btw, what was your max stable clock on the Jetway? 267, was it?

Will try this new bios in a sec.

max fsb stable i found was 270 , it was slow loading xp at that point

only way i could resolve the problem with scsi and sata is to have both connected at same time and then install the OS to the scsi drive. the SATA will always be C drive and the other will be D

my tempurature with this 3800+ x2 is low 30c range , this is from a bios that was flashed by jetway on replacement chip they overnighted to me. i decided to try out this when i was changeing processors. havent seen anything else interesting in the bios yet


Ahh Jen, so this Bios fixes the temperature reading problem? Also what did you use to flash? Dos + floppy or winflash? Thanks
Jelic said:
Ahh Jen, so this Bios fixes the temperature reading problem? Also what did you use to flash? Dos + floppy or winflash? Thanks

the bios i am useing is reporting this with watercooling
27c idle
34c load

useing a 3800+ x2 @ 2300mhz 1.35v

this is bios that was sent to me with the bios chip . preprogrammed by jetway. i never flashed to this bios.


Ahh okay I see... well not near my comptuer so I won't be able to try this bios until tonight. If anyone wants to test it out before me feel free ^_^
Sounds like a slight board "turn" or the older flashrom part was replaced with a substitute...

The revision notes are not all that forthcoming...

MassiveOverkill said:
: dangles a Biostar T-Force in front of Jen: Come on Jen, swap that board out.

that is so funny

i had numerous problems yesterday trying to get this finicky 3800+ x2 to work my memory and the board.

turns out memory voltage has to be set at 2.75 , any lower than this it will fail to post with this processor. i dont know why this is or reason for it. i only know that after several failed attempts this is what i found.

now if that biostar is free :) i will gladly take it


Sounds like a memory issue...

Well… I’m jumping ship to the Biostar. Aside from that SCSI issue, the Patriot TCCD I bought to replace the VX does not seem to like the Jetway! Biostar brings its own share of problems (single slot video card, ugly color scheme, probable loss of performance with ATi cards and variable overclocking experiences), but it still seems to be the best solution for me right now.

Still want to test this bios out and maybe mod it up, before I switch, but the crappy Trendnet wireless stick keeps dropping the connection when I try to download small files like this. Broke down and bought an ASUS one that seems to have decent reviews.
sleepeeg3 said:
Sounds like a memory issue...

Well… I’m jumping ship to the Biostar. Aside from that SCSI issue, the Patriot TCCD I bought to replace the VX does not seem to like the Jetway! Biostar brings its own share of problems (single slot video card, ugly color scheme, probable loss of performance with ATi cards and variable overclocking experiences), but it still seems to be the best solution for me right now.

wouldnt it best to wait a month or so since DFI will be releasing their boards in jan, Albraton already has their board ready but didnt release them to the markets yet. MSI also have theirs 6150 boards ready but didnt release them yet.

just a thought
DFI has been releasing their board "next month" for the last 6 months! If MSI and Albatron come out with something substantially better, I’ll look at them, but the Biostar should be good enough for me. I used a Biostar micro board on socket A and 754 so might as well complete the hat trick. :cool:

Anyway, looking at how manufacturers have been treating mATX boards, it's not a good gamble that any future ones will have better OC options.
First post here, (Anandtech and DVB-S forums for years). Been lurking for a while.
Had to finally register to tell my great experience, since it looks like some of you are bailing on the Jetway.

While looking for info on the new nvidia 6150's, came across the Jetway threads. THANKS!
Picked up a refurb at Newegg, and after seeing how well it did, picked up 4 more.

Using the naked bios.
All 5 Jetway's easily run my Opteron 146 at 300x10, or 3009MHz.

They won't cold boot at that speed, but restarts are fine.
Started overclocking same as others, small FSB increases.
Some speeds would not work.
Then I found it was easier to lower CPU multiplier to 6x, and increase FSB from 245 to 285 in steps of 10.
After hitting 280, raised multiplier back to 10, then raised FSB in steps of 5 to 300..
Was able to duplicate on all 5 boards.
Onboard video works fine at 300MHz FSB.
Raised vcore to only 1.5v.
Even using stock HSF and only a 200w supply (Athenatech A100BB mATX case).

I know, hard to believe, since it's first post, so take a look at Anand if you wish.
They have an Opteron Overclocking results thread, and this Jetway is near the top.

So it may not be the board holding some of you back, but perhaps the CPU instead.
So far just tested the refurbs with same CPU to confirm they worked fine, even though they were factory sealed "true" refurbs. Waiting for memory (tested with Cheap Rosewill PC3200 sticks) and Zalman, then will assemble and stress test further.

But just wanted to make the point that 300MHz FSB is possible with the board.
Thought the cold boot was a booting chipset voltage issue, and not a stability issue when running?
Heck, I couldn't even get them to cold boot at 250MHz, but will be running 24/7, so not an issue here.
That is great, dude! I figured the board/chipset was capable of getting up there, but someone needs to do some tweaking.
For some reason when I set mine to 300fsb, it would reset to 292fsb. *shrug* strange.
...but ya, I have to agree with MO that its not worth it to go through that ordeal every time you turn the computer on. That is cool, though.

You jogged my memory... cold boot issue on the DFIs was allegedly the CPU not getting enough juice at startup. No doubt the chipset could have the same problem. I think tictac finally released a bios to make the problem disappear, so it's a shame someone with skills doesn't attack the bios of one of these boards. Frankly any of them would be fine by me.

Did you hop on the 146's early or do you happen to know a current supplier? I have one on order...
I actually got my Venice to initially boot at 300, but it would reset to about 288. The T-Force chipset is sooooooo much more forgiving. I can push the T-Force to whatever limits I want.............If I push it too automatically resets to default settings........I never have to clear CMOS. Overclocking with the ATI board..........resetting CMOS gets old REALLY REALLY fast.
Ordered the Opteron 146 couple weeks ago from Tankguys. No longer available. Have a 144 on it's way from Chiefvalue.

Never had to clear CMOS with the ATi.
Simply held Insert while cold booting.
This allowed it to boot at stock 200MHz FSB, but still kept all Bios settings as they were last boot, or for example at 289MHz FSB. It then did require you to either lower FSB to 240, or drop multiplier to 6X. Then start over slowly raising FSB.

I have yet to find "my" perfect 6150 board to replace NF2 HTPC's.
With current 6150's:
Foxconn (except audio) and Gigabyte look good. Nothing from Biostar yet.

1. Must have excellent TV Out. So far ATi rules nvidia in that area.
No bracket with Asus. Adding a video card solves issue with all.

2. Good audio of at least HDA (would have preferred ALC880(D) which includes DDL, but no luck).
No HDA on Foxconn or Albatron.

3. PCIe slot with at least 2 to 3 PCI slots usable (even if adding video card cooler).
If Biostar uses same layout as 6100, kills a PCI slot, and are left with only one slot.
Albatron same thing.

4. Overclockable enough to allow the full power of the Opteron to be used (+ 280MHz FSB).
Plenty of Bios adjustments for overclocking.
No on Asus (max 240MHz)
Too soon to tell about others.

Will use Jetway for now.
Perhaps the nvidia 6200's will be "the" board I'm looking for?
Audio is biggest disappointment, as even HDA lacks features of old Soundstorm.
Well I tried multiple times to try to enable the lower HT multis - no dice. Every time I saved it, the setting was lost. Jetway must have write protected that portion of the bios or disabled the programming for those options, so I am not going to bother modding up this bios. Bummer! :(
sleepeeg3 said:
Well I tried multiple times to try to enable the lower HT multis - no dice. Every time I saved it, the setting was lost. Jetway must have write protected that portion of the bios or disabled the programming for those options, so I am not going to bother modding up this bios. Bummer! :(

sad to hear

maybe i should save this bios i have and send it to you to look at

temps at full load now is 34c with this 3800+ x2 , at 2500mhz 1.45 volts


Looks like it was just the other computer or a corrupted bios. I am able to make the adjustments on this other computer, so I will mod it up.

Jen, if you want to send me or post yours, we can try comparing the temps to the A04 - see if there is any difference. You're probably not over anxious to do a round of flashing after having to send off for a new bios! ;)

I'll try the A04 after the 'SC / SEC games.
sleepeeg3 said:
Looks like it was just the other computer or a corrupted bios. I am able to make the adjustments on this other computer, so I will mod it up.

Jen, if you want to send me or post yours, we can try comparing the temps to the A04 - see if there is any difference. You're probably not over anxious to do a round of flashing after having to send off for a new bios! ;)

I'll try the A04 after the 'SC / SEC games.

i will see what i can do

at the moment i need to let prime run for the 24 hr period.


Well... either I screwed up somewhere trying to mod it or I had a bad flash. It could have also been some lost bits when I had to ACE is up, e-mail it to myself and unACE it, just to get it on my other computer. POS TrendNET adapter... Whatever, my Jetway is hosed until I get the Biostar to hotflash it.
sleepeeg3 said:
Well... either I screwed up somewhere trying to mod it or I had a bad flash. It could have also been some lost bits when I had to ACE is up, e-mail it to myself and unACE it, just to get it on my other computer. POS TrendNET adapter... Whatever, my Jetway is hosed until I get the Biostar to hotflash it.

Anyway, I revealed the lower HT multis on the A04 bios, if anyone cares to see if it improves overclockability:
This is NOT the bios I used to flash with. The only things that were touched were the HT lower multis. So it should be fine, but y'all know the risk.

if you need a temporary bios chip email me , i have 2 spares

happy holidays


Well, this bios just killed my board. Nothing happens when I power up, pulled my video card and audigy and cleared the cmos to see if I can just get some sort of video, nada. I've about had it with this board, since I can't use its onboard nic and overclock at the same time and now this happens when I try to update the bios to correct the temps.
ND40oz said:
Well, this bios just killed my board. Nothing happens when I power up, pulled my video card and audigy and cleared the cmos to see if I can just get some sort of video, nada. I've about had it with this board, since I can't use its onboard nic and overclock at the same time and now this happens when I try to update the bios to correct the temps.

sad to hear about your problems

i find the nic dies out about 255 fsb , maybe a little lower. seems 250 fsb is fine for it though


250 is fine for browsing the net, I just can't see my domain controller, soon as I put the clocks back to normal, all is fine, very strange. Considering my first board was doa, I've just had too many problems with it. I'll see if jetway can send me a new chip and I'll probably stick it in an HP case that had an old celeron 800 in it and give it to someone for a present.
Very much appreciate the offer, Jen, but I will manage.

Really sorry ND40oz. Not sure what the deal is.
Hey, just wondering, did any of you with the Jetway AGDMS-Pro increase your mobo voltage to get the FSB above 250? Default it's at 1.8 but I noticed you can increase it to 1.9, I havn't seen any difference other than the NB is a bit hotter... anyone have any experience with this?
Ya, it didn't seem to help stability at any speed. I bumped it @ 270, just to make sure the northbridge was getting enough juice. Don't think it mattered.

Well Newegg & UPS took their sweet, sweet time to ship out my board (ordered it last Thursday @ 8EST/shipped Monday 5EST), but the good news is, the facility is only a state away so even slow UPS should get it to me tomorrow. Sad thing is, that is just as long as FedEx Saver used to take from the West coast and it was generally free!
MassiveOverkill said:
If it won't cold boot at that speed, it's not stable. Have you run Prime95 yet?

It was my Opteron 146.
Installed Opteron 144, and it also had no problem hitting 300MHz FSB.
Cold boot is fine.
Prime95 for 4 hours so far, with no problem.
Because it's only 9x, can only run it at 2700MHz, but at least it's stable.
Only ranked #3 in 3dm2k3 with a score of 1990 using onboard.
RobsTV said:
It was my Opteron 146.
Installed Opteron 144, and it also had no problem hitting 300MHz FSB.
Cold boot is fine.
Prime95 for 4 hours so far, with no problem.
Because it's only 9x, can only run it at 2700MHz, but at least it's stable.
Only ranked #3 in 3dm2k3 with a score of 1990 using onboard.

are you useing a networking card? any higher than 250 fsb my onboard goes out on me


Also, random question, does the Jetway A210GDMS-Pro have problems with ATX 2.0 power supplies? I heard there were problems when there were dual 12v rails. I'm running on the X-Qpack stock PSU right now (Yes I know it's shitty, but it's actually runnign quite well and I'm oced from 2.2ghz to 2.6ghz prime 24hr stable. Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a Xclio 450BL, does the Jetway have any problems with that PS? And I think it should fit in the X-Qpack pretty nicely... any suggestions? Thanks
The Jetway wouldn't do dual channel with my NeoPower and had problems with the single stick. Don't think the RAM was getting enough from the 12v rail. So ya, I'd say it's a no go.
Ahh crap really? What power supply are you running off of right now? Should I just stick with the stock? I'm planning to get the DFI 6150 mobo when it comes out, so I'll need somethign w/ dual 12v rails in the future and a 24pin connector, but for now the Jetway will have to last me. I'm a little worried about the stock psu, it idles at 11.7 and dips down even lower under load, I havn't had any stability problems though... so it's not too bad. I'm surprised it's lasted me this long honestly... so any suggestions on pses for the Jetway?
Jelic said:
Also, random question, does the Jetway A210GDMS-Pro have problems with ATX 2.0 power supplies? I heard there were problems when there were dual 12v rails. I'm running on the X-Qpack stock PSU right now (Yes I know it's shitty, but it's actually runnign quite well and I'm oced from 2.2ghz to 2.6ghz prime 24hr stable. Anyway, I'm thinking of getting a Xclio 450BL, does the Jetway have any problems with that PS? And I think it should fit in the X-Qpack pretty nicely... any suggestions? Thanks

I'm using an Enermax Noisetaker (420w, IIRC). Dual +12v rail. No problems at all. Dual channel works in either of the pairs of slots.

Indeed, I'm actually using integrated graphics right now, so virtually EVERYTHING is running off the single rail (IE., in dual +12v rail PSUs, the mobo and drives get one rail, the 6-pin PCI-E power line is on the other rail - I have no PCI-E video card, so that rail is totally unused).

It's a common misconception that a 24-pin ATX motherboard connector has both +12v rails going to it, while a 20-pin ATX motherboard connector only has one +12v rail. In fact, ALL power going to the motherboard - even with the 24-pin connection *and* the seperate 4-pin CPU power plug - is all on the same +12v rail.
Jen said:
are you useing a networking card? any higher than 250 fsb my onboard goes out on me



Not using onboard.
Luckily it is a Buffalo g54 USB network adaptor. No problems.