January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

I was first to register! i think...

Welcome to Dallas Monte! (don't believe anyone who says you have to become a Cowboys fan now)

If available get Verizon FIOS...best internet available bar none!

I've been in Dallas since I got out of the Army in 2004. Great town. The more north you go the nicer it is. I'm in Carrollton.
Kyle should give out a prize to the first registered. :D I think I beat you to it, fausto412. :p

I wish I had FiOS available? I'm stuck w/ AT&T DSL (not even U-Verse) in FW. :(
Kyle should give out a prize to the first registered. :D I think I beat you to it, fausto412. :p

I wish I had FiOS available? I'm stuck w/ AT&T DSL (not even U-Verse) in FW. :(

FIOS solved all the household internet fighting...i used to get pissed when I lagged because people were on youtube. Now people can watch HD video on multiple machines while my ping is below 50.
Ever since i got FIOS internet I haven't had a single outage in 3 years...just last week I switched to FIOS TV. fuck time warner.

I won't move into a town that doesn't have FIOS.

what time did you register on the printed ticket under order info?
FIOS solved all the household internet fighting...i used to get pissed when I lagged because people were on youtube.
Eever since i got FIOS internet I haven't had a single outage in 3 years...just last week I switched to FIOS TV. fuck time warner.

what time did you register on the printed ticket under order info?
Wow, that's a pretty sweet deal on FiOS speed. At least I don't have familial Internet bandwidth wars to be concerned about. :D

1:51 pm. You?
Wow, that's a pretty sweet deal on FiOS speed. At least I don't have familial Internet bandwidth wars to be concerned about. :D

1:51 pm. You?

1:42 lol:D

it was crazy when i was playing bf2142 and all of a sudddden laaaaaggggg
the link on the front page isn't very obvious, would suggest making the color stand out. :D
registration is done.

wonder if we get HD 7970 for raffle or tf2 tourney, or something. that will be sweeeeeeeeeet!
DONE! Looking forward to it. This time I hope I get a chance to get more hands on with some Eyefinity action. :D
Might fly in from Phoenix... Gonna ask someone there why I cant have lockon ICONs in BF3 on my eyefinity/trifire setup... lol
I'll be there. Gonna ask about bezel compensation on an extended desktop with one Eyefinity group and another monitor.
The last time (July 2011), Bulldozer was the big "tease". What's the big tease for the one next month? :p
I'm coming with my wife, and 4 other people are catching a ride with me from the clan I'm part of.
Was this taken off the front page? Not seeing the sticky anymore. Good thing I already registered :)
Well bought plane tickets and a rental car... gonna spend a week with my pops and come geek in TX. ;)
The event is going to rock. 11 partners on board now with more wanting to get on but I need to make room for them. Much better than the last event. It is going to be a hell of a good time.
The event is going to rock. 11 partners on board now with more wanting to get on but I need to make room for them. Much better than the last event. It is going to be a hell of a good time.

These ranches usually have a ton of space.

They get back to you on the food menu, costs... so people know how much moolah to bring:)
Well bought plane tickets and a rental car... gonna spend a week with my pops and come geek in TX. ;)
Good excuse to visit your father. :cool:
The event is going to rock. 11 partners on board now with more wanting to get on but I need to make room for them. Much better than the last event. It is going to be a hell of a good time.
Sounds great and hopefully the weather will hold up! :eek:
Yes, I see this thread stickied in other sub-forums now, like [H]ot Deals.
Seeing another [H] event so soon just made my day! I loved the last one. Registered and looking forward to Jan 21st.:D
200 more registration spots will be open tonight.
Will be there if I can get the kids busy doing something else that day :)

Fios 35/35 here :) Havent had true time to catch up on gaming in a while.., but somehow my computer stays updated in order to play it :)

Just need to figure out what kind of processing power it takes to run 3x24" eyefinity setup.