January 2012 AMD HardOCP FX GamExperience

I had an awesome time at the event. Losing the pickle eating contest kind of stung, but hey, free pickles. So you know, I still won something.

I'd say more seating wouldn't be a negative thing for the next tone.
I had an awesome time at the event. Losing the pickle eating contest kind of stung, but hey, free pickles. So you know, I still won something.

I'd say more seating wouldn't be a negative thing for the next tone.

Agreed, a little lounge area would be nice to have if room allows it. I went with a buddy of mine and it was pretty cool. I think our issues, my friend and I, is that we're in the "good enough" phase of our tech days. However, it was neat looking at all the new gear coming out and talking with the reps.
Absolutely Great Event.

More seating would be a nice touch agreed...

Also the event seemed a little rushed, perhaps having online signups for the tourney(s) .

A tweed bit more organization and it would be just about perfect. Not bad considering this is the 2nd public event after a 100person focus group.
I had an awesome time and somehow managed to win the computer from Diamond Multimedia. The game Firefall they had on display was really addictive too, I think my friends and I played it almost the whole day (we were there from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM).





Was a good time for sure I didn't win anything but to all those who did grats, and to all those who won more then one thing I hate you :p

I would also think it would be a good idea to have an easier way for people to get on and off the stage, for some reason where I was was the exact place everyone kept going to get up there.
Yes, I agree w/ the feedback to have a single raffle system and more seats. But overall, I liked this venue more than the Deep Ellum one from July and hope that [H] and AMD and various "behind the scenes" folks can pull off another event this summer. :cool: Was fun and informative and nice touch w/ the contests! :D
So did anyone manage to speak to the AMD Reps about 7970 drivers?

Just wondering what their response was to the enthusiast community's reception of the card, considering some of the teething problems regarding eyefinity/crossfire. Not trying to stir up anything. I do have one of the cards and am simply interested in hearing their response to some of the concerns raised here and in Kyle's article.
The Eyefinity Manager pretty much told me they are aware of issues and he wouldnt talk about issues with programs, as its not their job to work with devs to make sure their hardware functions work right.

Of course this is completely NOT what he said, but thats what I got out of it.
Was a good time for sure I didn't win anything but to all those who did grats, and to all those who won more then one thing I hate you :p

I would also think it would be a good idea to have an easier way for people to get on and off the stage, for some reason where I was was the exact place everyone kept going to get up there.

Yeah... I was gonna pout if that girl in the green shirt got up on that stage one more time.
This thread can probably be un-stickied, along w/ all of the other stickies referring to this event.