It's arrived

Selecter said:
Intel going to get second looks from Mac !!!!!!es like me. I'm getting ready to build a new gaming box for Battlefield 2, now that I no longer need to put any money into my G5 while Apple gets the stuff sorted out.

Whats the ACTUAL PERFORMANCE difference between Pentiuum D and a single core A64, anyway? I cant seem to find anything decent on the compare.

Im going to say its about equal or possibly a bit greater. Because a Pentium D has the multitasking power that the single core A64 doesnt have. I can be wrong on this, but this is my opnion on the subject. Im sure someone will tell you soon enough.
Honestly, benchmarks can say all they want, I wish everyone had an oppurtunity to try a system out running one of these. I get bored with my pc quickly then i sell what I have and try something new. Ive had Athlon 64's both 939 and 754, and now a 3.2HT P4 (LGA775) and a Pentium D, I have to say this thing is snappy as all hell... I love this thing and wouldnt trade it for anything right now I just wish Id spent the extra 70 dollars and gotten a 955X mobo.
Selecter said:
Intel going to get second looks from Mac !!!!!!es like me. I'm getting ready to build a new gaming box for Battlefield 2, now that I no longer need to put any money into my G5 while Apple gets the stuff sorted out.

Whats the ACTUAL PERFORMANCE difference between Pentiuum D and a single core A64, anyway? I cant seem to find anything decent on the compare.

Here's a good site to Bookmark. Why? They sell AMD and Intel products of all kinds, even servers.


I've gotten results on mine and my friends rigs that look more like their results than anyone's except maybe HardOCP. In fact, that's what keeps me coming back. What I like about the review above is that they tested fully with HT turned off so we see what the 840 non EE will do. Hell, even the 2.8D can overclock 400MHz.

Apple/MAC. More than likely (Never say Never because there are tons of Crow being eaten by folks who did) we'll NOT see P4's of any kind in the Mactels or Inapples ( you pick?). These should be Yonah, maybe Pressler then their follow-ons. MAC folks say they've ran OSx RCs on x86 for at least 5 years.

The only question I have is can Intel reproduce MAC's SIMDs or will MAC switch to Intel's or will they use both?

SirKenin said:
What is there to add further than what I have? You have a couple of people that have completely detracted from the intention of the OP by taking pot shots at Intel. It's bashing, nothing more. It falls under the guise of pretending to be objective, and is smattered with the occasional fact that I agree with, but it is still bashing for all intents and purposes.

If this thread STAYED ON TOPIC and stuck to discussing the arrival of dual core processors, which has been officially derailed by people offering their opinions on why they switched to AMD, then there might be something left to add besides "who gives a shit?".

You're 100% correct, stand your ground! One of the main reasons forums were deivided was to try and avoid just what you're talking about. It's not just bashing, it's aggressive spamming for AMD since it's on the Intel side of the forum. It would be bashing if it were on the AMD side of the forum.

It's the same way on almost any message board on the web. I looked at the Thread Index and it shows, 34 viewing AMD and 5 viewing Intel Processors. Why would these folks feel the need to badger the 5 viewing Intel LOL?

Nasgul said:
That's so tyical in each and every forum that there is all over. And we all know that this will never end.

And yes, I will be getting a Pentium D 830 sometime in the near future. I just need to sell my 2nd system, then my 1st (Pentium 650 @ 4.0) will become # 2.

Yup! It goes something like, if you like, prefer and or want (or anything similar) Intel, you're a Fan! If that's AMD, then you're normal. :rolleyes:

I'm a big Intel Fan. I love my P4 3.4C @ 4 Ghz. It totally rocks and I'm a multitasking fool. I'm planing on going dual core in the next few months but I'm leaning towards AMD. Not to consider AMD is just !!!!!!ish. I would recommend reading the reviews posted by Kyle a few weeks ago.
Donnie27 said:
It's not just bashing, it's aggressive spamming for AMD since it's on the Intel side of the forum. It would be bashing if it were on the AMD side of the forum.

If it's relevant, factual, and well presented, who cares what side it's on? I'm so sick of Intel/AMD/nVidia/ATI fan boys flameing anyone that dares to present a contradictory viewpoint or to advocate that the other company's product might be more suited to the build in question, or even that it's a viable option. Has marketing done that good a job on you people? Who the frick cares what company made it, it's a bloody CPU. Buy the one that'll do the best job for you for the best price. Intel and AMD are two competing companies that make the SAME FRICKING PRODUCT. Are you going to talk like that when I get a burger from Wendys instead of BK or McDonalds?

Any time the marketing can brainwash a consumer into so fanatically supporting only their brand that they take it as a personal attack any time someone brings up a different brand's offering...well it's just really damn sad all around, especially for the consumer.
ashmedai said:
If it's relevant, factual, and well presented, who cares what side it's on? I'm so sick of Intel/AMD/nVidia/ATI fan boys flameing anyone that dares to present a contradictory viewpoint or to advocate that the other company's product might be more suited to the build in question, or even that it's a viable option. Has marketing done that good a job on you people? Who the frick cares what company made it, it's a bloody CPU. Buy the one that'll do the best job for you for the best price. Intel and AMD are two competing companies that make the SAME FRICKING PRODUCT. Are you going to talk like that when I get a burger from Wendys instead of BK or McDonalds?

Any time the marketing can brainwash a consumer into so fanatically supporting only their brand that they take it as a personal attack any time someone brings up a different brand's offering...well it's just really damn sad all around, especially for the consumer.

Simple, it's not about sides at all. This guy ordered an 8xx and talked about how it performed.

Some of it is not even factual all, dewd! Let's see, a 3000+ performing better for games than an overclocked to 3.9GHz P4? Too many times on this forum and others misconceptions are seen as fact, when it's their opinions only. My first question would have been what's wrong with his Intel rig? Not that he was lying about AMD. That rig has some pretty bad problems. Maybe its Throttling?

I'm looking at building a 3700+, MSI Neo4 non SLI and ATI x800XL. It will be used for games first or foremost. If someone asked about a HTPC, then I'd point them towards a P4. Almost $600 is still too much for a Processor IMHO! ANY PROCESSOR!

I'll run two computers, with Multiplicity Install most of the multimedia stuff on my P4 and Games on my A64 and keep right on riding the fense. One Dual core might be cheaper, but I already own half of the Athlon system and the whole P4. Then next year when prices come down to common sense levels, I look at going dual core. Or just move current one to the Den for HTPC duties.

Epicenter said:
"Price Gouging"? What are you talking about? The Prices you saw earlier, $250 ish and $1000 for example .. were for WHOLESALE purchases of THOUSANDS of processors. Not for individual purchases. NewEgg is one of the best computer parts retailers around, so please get your facts straight or shut your mouth.

Newegg is the first place I visit when shopping. They've gotten more of my online business than all of the other places combind. With that said, they are always NEVER the cheapest. I shop there because their RMA rules are #1 IMO and that put them at the top of my list. BTW, NOT their prices or even shipping.

Newegg sticks to a strict Supply and Demand policy. At one time, the A64 FX-55 went above $1,100 before dropping to $815. This was only a few months ago. They had an ATI X800XL Rosewill for $269 It went up 50 and then down $25. I've been shopping for one. Yes, they'll do like any business and gouge whenever possible. If consumers don't shop wisely, it's the consumer/customer's fault. Newegg has some items cheaper, NOT all. As the first post said and nailed it IMHO. Nothing's wrong with what Newegg did, was doing or will do, it's just a business.

Tygerwoody said:
too bad they don't perform.... i wish intel would get on the ball. I always thought it was stupid to be a fan of a certain company, but i have to admit that for some reason i can't see myself buying an AMD, even though i know they are better. Whats wrong with me? :confused:

yeah same here all my rig is intel, only one amd system which run at 450mhz lolz.
the dual cores chips are frickking expensive. I dont see a point of buying one just yet, especially considering very little games support it. once the xbox360 and ps3 comes out, i'm hoping this will change for the better, with more games supporting mutiproccessing. Once a dual core chip gives a large performance increase (say 50%+) over a single core chip, then i'll consider buying a dual core. meanwhile, i'm hoping my p4 2.4 @ 2.7ghz and 6800gt will keep me going till nexy year...

btw, with regards to the AMD is better/intel is better disscusion, personally, i just buy the chip that is the best bang for buck. i dont care if its "intel" or "AMD" as long as i can get the extra FPS in HL2 and I can ecode my MP3s faster etc.
dragontail said:
the dual cores chips are frickking expensive. I dont see a point of buying one just yet, especially considering very little games support it.

1) Not everything is about games and only games.

2) Go watch that Chinpokemon episode of South Park where they're going on about "you American have such big penis" and that ought to answer any other questions.
well, i just use my pc for mainly games. so what i said is true from my point of view, but i guess you do have a point. what i wanted to say is that the extra cost of these dual cores cant be justified for the performance in games right now.
dragontail said:
well, i just use my pc for mainly games. so what i said is true from my point of view, but i guess you do have a point. what i wanted to say is that the extra cost of these dual cores cant be justified for the performance in games right now.

But it's not about sides. It's the Intel side of the forum, not the AMD side. No one asked to be spammed by folks who prefer AMD or etc........ If this were the AMD side of the forum, no one there would want to be spammed by Intel loving folks.

Here's an example! [H]ardOCP reviews the DCX from Velocity Micro, want to guess how long it took someone who prefers AMD to post? He asked for views and ways to improve the reviews. Not what anyone thought of the system that was reviewed.

Donnie27 said:
But its not about sides. It's the Intel side of the forum

Can't say as I tried to make sense of the rest of your post, since the first part was a direct contradiction.
ashmedai said:
Can't say as I tried to make sense of the rest of your post, since the first part was a direct contradiction.

It is not about sides or any Intel vs. AMD war. It is someone using an Intel processor and talking about it on the Intel side of the forum. If that ofends the AMD croud, too bad. Still can't understand? If you'd like to spam for AMD, please do it on the AMD side of the forum. Still a little lost, foggy or off? It's pretty blunt and to the point, no contradiction at all.

How the other guys feels about AMD has squat to do with Facts as the other poster put it.

Well, having read thru here I'm going to put in my 2 cents, since I am about to decide on doing what many people would feel is illogical and go intel dual.
My situation centers around attending school, and being stuck with a single system for much longer than I would have liked (my current barton 2500).
While this has never been a bad processor, it isnt the screaming multitasking machine I would have had with a decent mid range HT enabled P4.
I've regretted the decision long enough and now given the opportunity to buy a single core athlon 64, or a dual core Pent. D, I'm definitely taking the dual core.
I will be in school for another 2 years, and the intel dual core is simply the right price, the right performance, and has the feature set I can use at the moment.
Would I like an amd64 4200/4400? Sure, YES please! Do they cost WAY too much for me to afford? Yep!
So here I am, I've read the reviews, I've studied the benches, and found out that the lower end intel duals strike a good compromise between price/performance that I can live with, and enjoy.
In 2 years, maybe I'll move on to something else, and that could be either intel or amd, but it will be whats right for me at the time.
Never let anyone harass you over your choice. The 46 million possible configurations of computer hardware exist in the world because everyone's needs are different.

Enjoy your computer,and enjoy your life.