It Never Stops...


Limp Gawd
Apr 20, 2001
All -

I just like to pronounce a little over 2.5 months ago I decided to upgrade to an AMD64 and an nf3 platform. THinkinging that would be all I need.

And then little did I upgrading fever started. And now, after 2.5 months later..I've spent a total of about $800 on a new case, ram, hard drive, heatsink, and new optical drives to match the new case.

Where did I go wrong? . :)
If its a good system... you haven't gone wrong at all :)

Unless of course you have a problem with upgrading, like you are spending too much money, finding the computer takes all of your life, etc. Tell us what the problem is, and the [H]ardCounsellors will try to help. :)
Well I do got the same problem.
I spent thousands of euros on my computer.
But what may help is if u keep some distance from ur computer. :)
$800? I think you did pretty good. I spent over a couple thousand upgrading mine over the past few months and now I'm scrambling to find stuff to sell to try and recoup some of the cost. Thank god for eBay. :eek:
Let's see what I've purchased...
-NF3 board
-Venice 3200
-1 gig of ballistix ram
-XP90 heatsink w/fan
-Antec P180
-Dvd burner & floppy drive
-74gb raptor drive

*sigh* Hopefully my systems runs a lot better. Thanks for the comfort by [H]ardCounsellors.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that NF3 chipset simply blows compared to NF4 Ultra.
Heh, I think you did fine. I don't really feel like listing all the parts I threw together in the last 3 months(carried over stuff like monitor and speakers that were bought 3 months ago) because I really don't want to know the exact amount that I spent on my new system. I can tell you it was very well above the projected $1200-$1500 that I was thinking would be enough when I was considering building 6 months ago. Not to mention, just when I think I'm finished and my system has been up and running great for a month or so, I still want to add more to it(maybe an X-fi to replace that Audigy 2 ZS that I bought a little less than a month ago, and a new kyboard). Not to mention make a SFF out of my old system, and also not forgetting that I want to build my little brother a new system so he can play most of the games his older brother plays. Of course he can't afford it but being a nice big brother, I will help him out. I can definitely understand that it never stops.
I'm well-aware the NF3 can't match the newer NF4s. Hence, "Next generation." But I had an 6800GT AGP, so had to go that route.