Issue with Nagios notifications via postfix


Limp Gawd
Sep 12, 2008
I am trying to get a Nagios server to send out messages when ever a server has an issue. I have the Nagios system setup to use its local postfix as a relay to my Exchange 2010 server. When ever I view the /var/log/mail.log I see that my Exchange server is refusing the connection. I believe this is because the firewall is seeing traffic that should be local going out. So I added a MX record to DNS so that resolves to the local Exchange server. When I do a nslookup for the MX record on the Nagios box I still get the outside address instead of the local address. The DNS servers the Nagios box is set to use are correct. The Nagios box does not have a DNS caching service. Is there something else I should be looking for?

I am running on Ubuntu 9.10 Server and Nagios 3.2.0.
Sounds like you've got postfix configured incorrectly then. Set your internal exchange server as relayhost.
Sounds like you've got postfix configured incorrectly then. Set your internal exchange server as relayhost.

I followed a tutorial on getting relayhost setup but I get an error when authenticating.

status=deferred (SASL authentication failed: server my.server.local[] offered no compatible authentication mechanisms for this type of connection security)

Is there a different type of authentication I should use?
if you set the hub transport relay host right you shouldn't need authentication. set the hub to allow relay from your nagios host by ip address and use externally secured option. set the postfix to relay mail to the exchange server by internal ip, not dns.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
if you set the hub transport relay host right you shouldn't need authentication. set the hub to allow relay from your nagios host by ip address and use externally secured option. set the postfix to relay mail to the exchange server by internal ip, not dns.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device

Thanks! This lead me down the right path. I needed to enable anonymous users on the internal connector. It is weird that I had to do this though. I have credentials in the sasl_passwd file. Oh well it is an acceptable risk. Thanks again for every ones help.