Issue with HP w2207


Apr 7, 2008
So I just bought two of these 22" monitors from Tigerdirect, and one of them works perfectly, but the other is being a bit weird. The image coming from the DVI port is normal, but the image from the VGA port creates very thin horizontal white lines across the screen when I drag windows. Also, when I watch videos with the VGA in, it almost seems like I can see the refresh rate. My original thought was that the refresh rate the computer was sending to the monitor didn't match up to the recommended setting of 60hz, so I double checked it and it is at 60hz.

Now my thought is that the VGA port is loose, or just defective. What do you guys think?

EDIT: Ok, so now I tried plugging the monitor into my laptop's VGA out, and it doesn't have the same issue. What gives?
Did you use the same cord on your laptop that you did with your PC? I have seem others experience the same type of situation and many times it turns out to be the cable.