ISR Gen 2

That's pretty sweet... I want one.

If one falls off a truck, please RMA it... to my house.
I have been waiting for these,
Finally some decent hardware, the licensing changes for the new unified IOS will be interesting..
did I read that correctly? Cisco is actually putting out a platform that will have a single universal IOS image? welcome to the 21st century! :D
Sadly this is a bad thing for those of us with home labs. Features will be licensed now, which is crappy.
ah yeah, that does suck. probably makes for a good business model, much easier to maintain the code base, and causes less confusion amongst customers, but like you said, means that just having the IOS image won't give you access to all features it contains.
whats kind of interesting is that Cisco's development process being as disjointed as it is, is actually a very VERY good thing.

It makes exploit development against the IOS much more difficult due to how its developed, moving to a more unified platform for all devices may introduce some vulnerabilities that get missed between platforms.

It will be interesting to see how they combat that issue, The world is watching :)