ISP email/website/ftp setup

Mar 15, 2002
Most ISPs I have seen use some sort of BSD/Linux for their servers. How ISPs are setup is facinating to me.

My ISP gives like 2 email addresses, 5mb web page space and ftp access to upload your files to your web page folers/directory. When you want to access your web page you'd do

For this setup for instance my ISP users Apache and WU-FTP with surgemail as the email server all running on some sort of UNIX.

I have my Red Hat Linux box setup with these very packages.

My question is do any of you guys know any great web resources that give and instructions on how to setup something like this (mainly only wanting to know about the web server FTP server design that allows one to achieve the abiltity to allow people to connect to my server with the username I provided

Also I am curious about how the partitions would be setup for this type of setup. The FTP upload by default is /var/ftp/ but when you chane the scheme from anonymous to the usernaem and password setup then /home/username becomes the FTP directory. Would you allocate the hard drive for instance with the majority of the space for /var or /home? If /home wouldn't this greatly complicat the apache side of things? It is hard for me to articulate exactly what it is I'm wanting to know here. I have been using Linux for server setups for a few years now and know my way around. This deal with the server design for this type of setup has me curious and it's something I would like to try out.

If you can understand what it is I'm saying here cool. If not ask questions and I will further try to clairify what it is I'm getting at here.
Most of the open source applications have some really good manual pages, as well as web documentation. Also I find that many articles as well as books put out by O'Reilly are very detailed and priceless as far as information about many *nix/nux and open source applications go. Another great source for information is the messege boards that many of the open source sites have. You can get soultions to problems as well as idea's for future projects that you would like to tackle from them. My last source of information is google, google helps me dig up odds little sites where people wite small guides on the applications and how to set them up for a certain use. Hope this information helps you.
Most of that is done for you by default in most distrib.
`man adduser` or `man useradd`
add a user, they will have ftp access to their home dir.
inside their home dir should be a dir like public_html where apache will display their site
If it doesn't work, have to make some changes to apache config.
In linux there is a lot of document reading, but there is software for everything.

Side note, ditch wuftpd and go with something (tho be it little) bit better with security. Like SSL encrypted proftpd.

As for email, can't help you there. I use qmail, vpopmail, sqwebmail, & qmailadmin. As yet don't understand the software I use but was able to get it to install and work, and the rest is web baised admin :eek: :D
E-mail applications are downright scary when it comes to configuring them. (Even just for basic use.) Ive not touched trying to set one up yet, mainly due to the fact of how little I need it compared to how much time it will take me to setup.
Alright . Thanks for the suggestions. I got it working and it was basically already setup from the start. I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts or advanced knowledge on this issue that I could apply into my own design. My hopes of starting my own ISP is the motivation behind this.

I will get everything setup the way I want and then I will give a couple of you guys a username and password for testing to see if everything works out OK. Sound good?