Isn't HL2 engine based on the Doom3 engine?

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Nope, completely different, developed by different people in different places and using different technology.
God no. Not only are they completely separate, they take completely different approaches to rendering.
i was going to reply and say yes, just to get flamed. but no. i decided not to.
Screw the engines where is HL2, haven't heard anything for a while now, Not even empty promises
then you haven't been paying attention. steam users have 2 gigs of HL2 content on their hard drives right now.
I'm going to give him the benefit of the dumb... I mean doubt and say I think you are confused. Half-Life was built using a heavily modified Quake engine. HL2 was built from scratch by Valve and Doom3 was built from scratch by id.
HL2 was orignaly scheduled to release before Doom3 was right?

so the engine is different i suppose
Yeah HL2 was really slated for that Sept 30th and I was foolish enough to believe it, but all in all HL is still one of the greatest games I have ever played and I think Valve's new engine looks promising.
The part of HL2 I'm looking forwared to engine wise is the physics engine. It is far superior to any other on the market,
Contrary to what everyone here is saying, the HL2 engine is in fact based on the Doom 3 engine, just like HL1 was based on Doom 1 & 2.


Heh, at least they both render pretty pictures ;)
Elledan said:
Contrary to what everyone here is saying, the HL2 engine is in fact based on the Doom 3 engine, just like HL1 was based on Doom 1 & 2.

waiting for someone to start up shit with this guy :rolleyes:
Elledan said:
Contrary to what everyone here is saying, the HL2 engine is in fact based on the Doom 3 engine, just like HL1 was based on Doom 1 & 2.


Heh, at least they both render pretty pictures ;)

even if it is based on it, HL IS BETTER!!11 :D
Damn, u guys really got no idea what you're talkin about, do you??
Doom1 & 2 engine was based on Frontier, a space sim game. HL's engine was said to be based on Quake's engine (which was actually based on some satanic books engine, called "devil's engine" or something like it), but it was in fact based on C&C engine.
So u see, there's a lot of tweaking and inter-changing code between games, much more than most people actually think there is. Doom3 is basically a rip-off of Strife, while HL2 is nothing more than a revamped Rise Of The Triad experience.
Seriously, Duke Nukem Forever 0 \/\/ |\| 5 all those p*uss* wanna-be games :p
Brain leaking out.......must seek help......must not....uh.....getting yourselves, close the thread.

Also, maybe the forum should have an minimum IQ requirement.

//warmonkey places his fire proof battle armour on
Wait... There making an HL2 and Doom 3? Holy Crap! Can't wait for them to come out!

/panic attack!
The serious and correct reply is:
Half-Life 2 is based on the Half-Life 1 engine. All this crap about being written from scratch is just PR garbage.

Half-Life 1 was based on a mixture of Quake 1 and QuakeWorld, thus Half-Life 2 is still mostly the Quake1 engine. Don't diss it tho, there are many hacks of the Quake1 engine up there that can look pretty freaking fantastic (ala, and others).
Bobsaysthis said:
Trick question, everybody knows Half-Life 2 is based on the Super Mario Brothers 3 engine.

Hells yeah...that's the best of the Mario Games.
CrazyBomber said:
Seriously, Duke Nukem Forever 0 \/\/ |\| 5 all those p*uss* wanna-be games :p
By the time DNF is released, it'll have been based on every engine written, including the 'Apocalypse'-engine, which was written right before Mankind was absorbed by the first game based on this engine, thus creating the first realistic game ever. This game is (or rather will be) known as 'Life'.
Endy said:
The serious and correct reply is:
Half-Life 2 is based on the Half-Life 1 engine. All this crap about being written from scratch is just PR garbage.

Half-Life 1 was based on a mixture of Quake 1 and QuakeWorld, thus Half-Life 2 is still mostly the Quake1 engine. Don't diss it tho, there are many hacks of the Quake1 engine up there that can look pretty freaking fantastic (ala, and others).

Wow, this guy is smart! :eek:
Probably the only thing one can salvage from this entire thread...
At least I had a couple laughs :p
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