ISDN modem (( TA ))


Nov 3, 2001
Has all production of ISDN Terminal Adapters been haulted? I can't seem to find them anywhere on the market without paying in the 300 range for em.. Being that cable and dsl will not come out to where I live, isdn is the only valid option for me (( not satellite either, too much ping)).. Through regular dialup i'm connected at 24600.. Don't really have to explain how bad that sucks..

Any of you have any sources for "new" TA's?
Thats the pain of ISDN, its very expensive. And one reason ISDN was never took off for end users/companys and the telco's. And have you tryed searching Ebay for used telco equipment?
I was running ISDN for a bit while I waited for the DSL rollout in my neighborhood. I was using an Pipeline 75, it was greatness. I still have it works great, send me a PM and we can work out a deal for cheap.
Thanks for the offers! I've won a bid on e-bay for one and keeping my fingers crossed.. Maybe it actually works.. If not i'll be pming away in hopes of folks still having the TA's they mentioned :) Really appreciate it folks.