Is Win 8 on a laptop really that bad?

I REALLY hated it when I first started using it...then I acclimated and I really don't see the difference between it and 7 to be honest.
Win8 + ModernUI = :(
Win8 + Start8 = :)
Win8 + Start8 + ModernMix = :D
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Didn't XP follow ME and 7 follow Vista? That would seem to indicate that Microsoft is quite capable of learning.

To me that list tells that Microsoft is only capable of repeating its mistakes year after year.
Stop listening to other peoples usually uninformative opinions. (...except mine :p )

What I'm getting at is that if you are curious just try it.
Try Vanilla 8.
Missing start? Try a 3rd party fix.
Still dislike it? Install windows 7.
Cbf going through that? Install windows 7.
It's not that bad (IMO) as long as you use some 3rd party software to disable Metro (I prefer start is back, personally). There is also a nice hack that removes the ribbon throughout Windows 8 and replaces it with the classic menu based system.

If there was only a way to get aero back (like it was in 7), it'd be a really nice OS.
Aero was a bit of a gimmick anyway.

I disagree

Aero was nice because the window borders and title bar blended in with the background (you could also identify the window directly behind it because of it's transparency). In windows 8, you're stuck with eye crippling high-contrast white and solid colors. It's very bland in comparison IMO

If was definitely useful for more than just eyecandy. Win 8 is really a step backwards
I disagree

Aero was nice because the window borders and title bar blended in with the background (you could also identify the window directly behind it because of it's transparency). In windows 8, you're stuck with eye crippling high-contrast white and solid colors. It's very bland in comparison IMO

If was definitely useful for more than just eyecandy. Win 8 is really a step backwards

Fair enough. I never used it in that manner so to me it is a waste.
I like the compromise in 8 as it isn't too flashy yet doesn't look like windows basic.

I just remember it bugging out with games. Not switching back on and then the only way to turn it back on was with "Fix problems with aero and transparency".
I tried it and got it the first day they offered the full retail version. Made myself get used to it and even though I finally did get used to it, I just hated it. I have 3 24" monitors and it was extremely multi-monitor unfirendly.

Everyone talks about tricks to make it more like windows 7 and I cant understand why you would make it more like something its not.

Then I tried going back to Windows 7 and MS has made that an epic PITA. Couldnt just pop in my Win 7 disk and revert. Tried doing the trick renaming files and extracting all the files in the Windows Old folder but that didnt work for me either. Ended up doing a full wipe and fresh install. Back on Win 7 and loving it.
Perhaps not in retail business, but in the ER, CCU, ICU touchscreen is a hit!

According to whom? I work in healthcare IT; we're not deploying Windows 8 at all, let alone touch screen devices—aside from when an administrator conveniently signs off on a corporate iPad purchase for said administrator. Though to be fair, the company we contract for is having a tough enough time getting from Windows XP to Windows 7 as it is.

Our big project right now is a transition to thin clients running Windows 7, not touch screen devices running Windows 8.
I tried it and got it the first day they offered the full retail version. Made myself get used to it and even though I finally did get used to it, I just hated it. I have 3 24" monitors and it was extremely multi-monitor unfirendly.

Metro apps don't work well with multiple monitors since they only run on one screen at a time. The desktop however is a bit more multi-monitor friendly with the new task bar. I have the Blue 9364 leak and it looks like the multi-monitor issues with Metro are being addressed. The Start Screen can now open on any monitor and not suspend Metro apps on other monitors along with multiple Metro apps on multiple screens simultaneously and the Start Screen can now remain persistent while running apps, both desktop and Metro on other screens.

I guess we'll see if Microsoft addresses the issue of how to deal with the removal of the Start Button/Menu. I doubt they are coming back buy I figure that they will have to do something to please this crowd, even if it's perhaps a Metro implementation of a non-full screen Start Screen or something to that effect. I really am just curious as to how Microsoft is going to respond to all of the criticism and sluggish sales of 8.
I upgraded from Windows 7 to 8 on my Lenovo X120e and really like it. I don't use any Win8 addons but I've customized it to where I can easily access what I need. Don't really miss the start button as the start screen seems just as fast for me. I really love the fast boot up time. Much faster than 7 on a Samsung 830 256GB SSD. Call me crazy but as much as I have resisted updating to 8, I love it now on my laptop.
What I'm getting at is that if you are curious just try it.
Try Vanilla 8.
Missing start? Try a 3rd party fix.
Still dislike it? Install windows 7.
Cbf going through that? Install windows 7.
This! I can't find any good reason for these threads anymore; everyone wants to be lazy and not test it out for themselves, then we end up with 16 pages of useless back and forth. This isn't a car; it's stupid easy to go back. Like every new operating system ever, you'll never know if you like it until you try the damn thing for yourself!
This! I can't find any good reason for these threads anymore; everyone wants to be lazy and not test it out for themselves, then we end up with 16 pages of useless back and forth. This isn't a car; it's stupid easy to go back. Like every new operating system ever, you'll never know if you like it until you try the damn thing for yourself!

I didn't know it's stupid easy to get your money back after you try it.
Why would you tweak it to look as win7, did you tweak XP to look as Win2k back in the day?

Actually, a lot of people with lower spec PC's did do the classic mode as a way to conserve resources. As more RAM and faster CPU's were implemented, they went to the default interface.

Win8 on a laptop is a weird thing. At first, with the trackpad, it's a pain in the ass. After you adjust and learn the quirks and the way the trackpad works (and how sensitive it is), you can do things just fine. Just prepare to overshoot the X or the scroll bar and accidentally bring up the charms bar a lot.
Win8 on a laptop is a weird thing. At first, with the trackpad, it's a pain in the ass. After you adjust and learn the quirks and the way the trackpad works (and how sensitive it is), you can do things just fine. Just prepare to overshoot the X or the scroll bar and accidentally bring up the charms bar a lot.

This, oh God, this. It's the reason my wife absolutely cannot stand Windows 8, she's constantly bringing up the Charms bar every time she goes to close or minimize a window.
Actually, a lot of people with lower spec PC's did do the classic mode as a way to conserve resources. As more RAM and faster CPU's were implemented, they went to the default interface.

Win8 on a laptop is a weird thing. At first, with the trackpad, it's a pain in the ass. After you adjust and learn the quirks and the way the trackpad works (and how sensitive it is), you can do things just fine. Just prepare to overshoot the X or the scroll bar and accidentally bring up the charms bar a lot.

I think that's the only thing I don't like about Windows 8. If that corner could be disabled the OS would be much better. That's really the only con I see with Windows 8 and it's really a small one for me.

Edit: this registry hack works for me in the mean time, maybe permanently.
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