Is this a decent rig?

What does age have to do with anything?

And she plans on gaming when she gets a good video card. Right now she's getting this for school.

is this a decent rig?
I would say its a good rig. Needs a bigger monitor though :D
Pretty decent...
I'd ge more ram - 1gig is the norm today, also that GPU is not gaming material.
Apart from that the mobo is not clearly described, is it AGP or PCIe? that really makes a difference for future upgrades (any modern GPU will be PCIe), is it 939 or 754? that bears on whether you can upgrade to dual core CPU's hould the need arise.
I'd check those out BeforeI make a desicion.
Please don't give me a smart ass reply to asking if that was good, I know what PCI Express is. I had to wikipedia the sockets.
Newsboys2004 said:
Please don't give me a smart ass reply to asking if that was good, I know what PCI Express is. I had to wikipedia the sockets.
Take your attitude elsewhere if you don't want any help.
I don't know for sure but isn't the 3400 a socket 754 chip?

definetely get 1 GB and a better vidcard.

and yeah, lose the attitude
Newsboys2004 said:
Please don't give me a smart ass reply to asking if that was good, I know what PCI Express is. I had to wikipedia the sockets.

maybe on other forums I would reply with ""Fooking NooB"" for not knowing about the sockets and for being a gimp, but not on this forum, oh no.

smart assed enough for you?
Okay, i apologize. I went to far. You don't really need to slander me with every post. Lets move on, umk?
seems pretty decent, but having worked for compaq in the past i can speak from first hand experience that they used to limit how highup you could go with processors. Also if you are thinking of getting a machine that is upgradable for a gaming machine later, remember you get what you payfor and sometimes even though 300 looks very attractive that it will cripple you later.
score + 1 for me.

lol. As that spec stands, no its isnt a decent rig. I would get that geforce 7300 changed for something more meaty like a 7600 at least. yes it will cost a bit more but will be well worth it.
you asked for help and you give a smartass answer when someone takes time out of their day to type and give you reply. Loose the attitude. And to clarigy, age does matter. If shes 5 then shes not going to be playing Doom 3, or bf2, or fear. Now if shes 10 and up then she may.Get 2 gb of ram and a better video card
boomheadshot45 said:
you asked for help and you give a smartass answer when someone takes time out of their day to type and give you reply. Loose the attitude. And to clarigy, age does matter. If shes 5 then shes not going to be playing Doom 3, or bf2, or fear. Now if shes 10 and up then she may.Get 2 gb of ram and a better video card

Lol, i wouldnt let my 10yr old play FEAR, scared the shit out of me.
weebob said:
Lol, i wouldnt let my 10yr old play FEAR, scared the shit out of me.
Are you serious? I thought that game was so weak. I jumped more in Doom.

Now THAT is a title I wouldn't let my child play.
Adionik said:
Are you serious? I thought that game was so weak. I jumped more in Doom.

Now THAT is a title I wouldn't let my child play.

Doom was more of a puppet show, "guess whats round this corner kids... oh look another zombie lerking in a dark spot"

Its the whole greasy little japanese girl with enough power to splatter a room full of people. turns me on and creeps me out.
F.E.A.R defintely spooked me more than Doom.
Doom only spooked me in one place where these hands try to grab you, but thats it.
F.E.A.R had me on the edge of my seat all the way through.
But right now the scariest I've played yet is Call of Cthulu Dark Corners of the Earth - real spooky stuff, you cant even kill all the mosters -I'm actually playing with the lights on :rolleyes:
weebob said:
Its the whole greasy little japanese girl with enough power to splatter a room full of people. turns me on and creeps me out.

I agree with that completely.

and yea I would upgrade that video card to at least a 7600 if shes gonna want to play future games