Is there any remedy to the P35 DS3x cold boot syndrome?


Oct 16, 2007
enginurd, you there? Help! :)

After searching on google and posting in another forum, I've concluded that my Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L Motherboard has the cold boot syndrome.


Intel Dual Core e6750 with ninja heatsink
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L
2gb GSkill ram
Corsair HX520w PSU
BFG 8800GF
120gb WD
XP Pro/Vista dual boot
Running at stock speeds, not overclocked.

Here's the problem I'm having. I found this explanation on another forum; I have the same problem.

Occasionally when cold booting, the system momentarily powers on like it's going to boot, and then powers down after about 5 second. The process repeats itself after about 3 seconds: Power, HDD, Optical LEDs and fans power on for a second, then all power off. Repeat until I cut power.

The system will recover if I remove/reinstall a memory stick, or mess with other cords or do something extremely random that makes no sense at all. Then, when I power up, everything is fine (so far, at least).

Any ideas? Is this my mobo, or my power supply? Something else?

That's my problem. What I've tried doing so far is reseting the BIOS, updating the BIOS, removed every component except for the PSU/CPU/1 stick of ram, yet the problem persists. I guess I'll have to return the board if there's no fix. Does anyone know how Newegg accepts defective boards? I hope I don't have to pay a restocking fee or anything of that sort.

Does anyone know how Newegg accepts defective boards? I hope I don't have to pay a restocking fee or anything of that sort.


Ive never had a defective motherboard, but I have had bad video cards and HD's. Just call them up, email them, whatever, newegg is really nice and easy going, explain your problem and you should have no trouble getting an RMA number. As far as I know there is no restocking fee for a product you are exchanging. But dont quote me on thatone.
i had the same problems with my DS3R, i'm waiting on a replacement from gigabyte

you get 30 days from invoice to RMA with newegg. the online request is really easy.
i had the same problems with my DS3R, i'm waiting on a replacement from gigabyte

you get 30 days from invoice to RMA with newegg. the online request is really easy.

Really, let me know how the replacement goes if you would please. Anyway, I just chatted with a Newegg support representative and they've issued me a RMA refund with no restocking fee. Should I take that route and get another motherboard, or try a replacement?
I don't know of a real good fix (other than another mb) but last time my DQ6 based system BSODed, it got in that reboot fit. I had to power off the system from the power supply for a couple minutes. And then had to go into the BIOS and reset the memory timings to what worked otherwise things would go haywire again. Thought I read it was a common thing on these chipset mobos. Or at least to do it once and power up for good.