Is there any good video software for free?

Sep 16, 2006
Hello guys I need asist with a problem.

I'm editing a video I did for school andI need a good video editing software for free, and I would like to know if you any of you guys can help me out. I need the video editing software so I can change scenes around, make credits, add a song in the background; basically simple stuff. Tried the vid camera on an Imac on imovie but didn't work. Need the software for Windowns XP.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
You can always just use Windows Movie Maker 2. It's already installed on your system and is capable of that simple stuff you requested.

But if you don't want to, google Dr. Divx.
Danny Bui said:
You can always just use Windows Movie Maker 2. It's already installed on your system and is capable of that simple stuff you requested.

But if you don't want to, google Dr. Divx.

I did a search on Windows Movie Maker 2. I'm gonna go trythat out. I also downloaded

I'll also try VDub. Thanls for the siggestions.