Is there any good High Resolution Software available to the public and not


Aug 6, 2006
Is there any good High Res software out there that can make a pixelated picture into a more high def image ? Sorry about the and not.
I remember an article explaining about taking multiple pictures of an object from the same or similar perspective and "enhancing" the image using some specialized algorithm that would create an upscaled image by combining and comparing the different pictures. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it ATM.

On a serious note, you cannot have a single digital image at an arbitrary resolution and somehow make it an even higher resolution and expect the image to magically become more detailed. The information, needed to make a highly detailed image out of a smaller, less detailed image, is simply not there. It's like recording a song via a telephone and expecting a computer program to automatically make it studio quality 7.1 surround sound. Garbage In, Garbage Out.