is there an E8400 pictured OC guide ?


Apr 25, 2008
just got all my HARDWARE stuff i ordered .....
E8400 + GTD COOLING\ DS3L \ Gskill 4GB 1000MHZ \
i donno even where to start ....what i do know that i want to reach 4.0 (enough for me)
2 questions :

1) is there a guide for E8400 on DS3L guide with PICTURES ?? (bios pictures and everything) ?

2 )will my ENERMAX 420 is good for it ? (the E8400 OC + ATI 4850 OC)

10x all !
check your board manufacturer forum. if your board is a gigabyte, check their forum and you should find your answers.
420watts will be pushing it a bit!! even though enermax are QUALITY psu makers.

Just a few things u need to know really.

U will want a copy of OCCT or Orthos Beta. Personally i prefer OCCT, but thats just me as its easier for quads...anyway that doesnt matter.

I think the general concensus with a 45nm chip is to not go above 1.4V CPU if you want the chip to last.

With a gigabyte board (yuck btw :)) i think you have to press a key combination to get into the "advanced" bios screen (at least with some of their boards anyways). You will probably find this chip will go fairly far on stock volts and u shouldnt need to increase the CPU PLL/VTT voltage much.

Just keep increasing the FSB in increments of about 50 until things become unstable (do a 1hr orthos or occt test between each increment). once you reach say 400FSB (3.6GHz for your chip (it will probs get here without u having to change much in bios)) you will want to drop to about 20MHz increments and do a 10 hour orthos or occt test to prove stability. After about 420FSB u may want to consider bumping the northbridge voltage a touch...but make sure it isnt getting too hot!

Between each increment u may need to increase the CPU voltage or the FSB termination voltage or CPU PLL voltage. you will just have to experiment with these. Make sure u get your straps right too. The board should have several strap options : 200, 266, 333 and 400. I would personally start with 266 strap to begin with and change it only when u need to (when things become unstable and u cant workout is sometimes this). You will almost certainly end up on the 333 strap, if not the 400 strap.

Try to keep your memory clock down while you overclock the cpu. As its rated at 1000MHz, do not let it go above this while overclocking the CPU (use divider).

by about 500FSB u really want to have dropped to 10MHz increments at the most.

Once you are happy, stress test it for 10 hours or more.

You will also need to test your psu along the way. Only way i can think to do this is to do a stress test and assign one core to occt and one core to rthdribl (which is a gpu HDR demo). This will stress your psu with both cpu at 100% and GPU at 100%.

Links for progs:

rthdribl.rar (which i have kindly uploaded for you :p) -
You do not need a premium account to download that as ive put it on trafficshare for you.
420W will not be pushing it. That system will use around 300W or so, tops.

As for the rest, jarman has that covered :D
"Just 4.0" means you have to decide if you want your RAM at 1:1 or 5:4 ...if you said 4.2 the choice would be easy: 1:1 ;)

This is a good general guide for 45nm overclocks - and the only one I've read that explains how to get the memory stable independent of the FSB GTL before raising the CPU multi. If you want "just 4.0", maybe this is overkill ...then again, maybe you have a golden E8400, so if you're curious why not find out?

I'm looking forward to seeing your screenies in the [H] core2 OC thread :D