Is there a way to a .RAM file into an actual movie file instead of a shortcut???

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Oct 23, 2002
Hey there...I have this .ram movie aren't these 1KB files just shortcuts to to a movie on the internet or something like that??? I want to download the .rm file that the .ramfile points there a way to do this??? Can I make a .ram file into a .rm file or some other movie file type??? THANX
C'YA ?:-D
Originally posted by xmetal2001
Open the .ram in a text file to find the link to the .ra
OK...notepad gives me a long "rtsp://" link...and it is to an .ra file...almost there...I copy and paste the link to Explorer and it opens up the movie...but how do I go about downloading the file...I tried using FlashGet but it says it is an invalid link or something like that...any ideas???
Originally posted by Metallica_Band
OK...notepad gives me a long "rtsp://" link...and it is to an .ra file...almost there...I copy and paste the link to Explorer and it opens up the movie...but how do I go about downloading the file...I tried using FlashGet but it says it is an invalid link or something like that...any ideas???

streambox vcr? i'd recommend wget but i believe in order to recieve the file you need to use a client that understands rtsp:// which streambox vcr does (as far as i remember).
make an index.htm file on ur hard drive with a link pointing towards that file. save, open in IE and right click save as the link.
Originally posted by cmosdos
make an index.htm file on ur hard drive with a link pointing towards that file. save, open in IE and right click save as the link.

won't work, the client application recieving the file needs to understand the rtsp://

the same thing that happened with flashget will happen with your method.
anything I can think of has been suggested.. Personalyly I hate Realmedia, too the point of not watching anything in their formats... Their software is garbage and so are their codecs....

but that doesnt really help u...

I knw of prgrams to save audio streams but not video...
Originally posted by SKiTLz
anything I can think of has been suggested.. Personalyly I hate Realmedia, too the point of not watching anything in their formats... Their software is garbage and so are their codecs....

but that doesnt really help u...

I knw of prgrams to save audio streams but not video...
That's basically how I feel about Quicktime as well. Though I can appreciate their format, I can't stand their software. Realmedia is the worst of both worlds, as it were, though.

As for the question at hand: Try try putting the link in with http:// instead of the other bit. Various prefixes are used to make sure things get where they're "supposed" to go in IE. If that doesn't work, there's probably a media server on the other end that authenticates clients trying to connect before it delivers content and you'll have to use a stream ripper or somesuch.
replacing http did not work...I am trying to figure out how this StreamBox VCR works...anyone know how??? I am trying to test it out on a non protect RAM file...the text for the ram file is this:

If I am successful then I can apply what I have learned by doing it with the one I am trying to do with the bnkey...any help will be...helpful...THANX
C'YA ?:-D
I GOT IT!!!!!! After EXTENSIVE reading I discovered Offline Explorer Pro worked flawlessly...OMFG!!!! The file I was downloading was something like this this:
It downloaded the file as "bmtlbma_lrgstrm.rm?rbnkey=5498357628432a5deed2b4b509a82ef967d4ffc73667" so I just changed the extension to .rm and it worked!!! I am so proud of myself...Don't you just love the feeling of success!!! Looks like this will replace SteamBox VCR for now...although theres only a 30 day free trial and no crax/cereal worx for it...LOL...oh wel...just gotta delete until I need the prog again and just reinstall it...Thanx for all your help guys!!! THANX
C'YA ?:-D

P.S.: Now don't go tell RealMedia about this...they'll have a fit and try to close this down like they did with StreamBox VCR...damn bastages!!!
Originally posted by Metallica_Band
Looks like this will replace SteamBox VCR for now...although theres only a 30 day free trial and no crax/cereal worx for it

Why exactly would you go out of your way, to discuss illegal activity? It really had no bearing on your question. Would you walk into a Police Station and discuss the finer points of hotwiring a car? While many hold that confession is good for the soul, this is not the confessional and Im not a member of the clergy. You are not absolved, and as penance you must say 3000 Ave Marys, and use a Cyrix 486 boxen for a year.

a serious joke

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