Is PC15000 that much faster than 12800?


Limp Gawd
Nov 11, 2005
So basically, I've got some OCZ ram that's giving me errors, and it's really pretty annoying. I'm thinking about just returning the stuff and going with Corsair since that seems to be a lot more reliable. For the same price, I could get Corsair's Dominator DDR3 that's PC12800. The only thing that's stopping me is that unless I'm mistaken, that's a downgrade. But it's it a serious one, or is the speed difference going to be negligible?
Memory bandwidth is very rarely a limiting factor. You probably won't notice the difference, just as people didn't notice the difference between single-channel and dual-channel RAM, which was equivalent to a doubling of speed.

If it allows you to overclock the processor even 5%, go with 20% slower RAM every single time. Alternately, spend the money elsewhere rather than buying gold-plated high-spec RAM.