Is Origin Access Premium worth it?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 26, 2005
I was thinking of giving my kid (and myself ;);)) an Origin Access Premium account.

Is it worth the price? would Basic be better?
Only readon I got it for a month was to play bfv early. It does include Madden and FIFA as well as anthem. Depends on whether or not those are games you will actually play. I am probably canceling after this month and maybe buying bfv bc I don't have time to play much else.
I guess it's worth it if you play a lot of ea games. You pretty much get access to all their games for a monthly charge. The problem is that you're just renting these games. So if you only play bf5 and decide its not worth paying whatever amount of money each month for premium, then you will have to buy bf5 to continue playing.
If looks like a deal if you're a Madden/Fifa person....

Otherwise, nah.
I got it the other day. Just to play bfv. Kind of biding my time now wanting to pay full price. Has all the bf's but already owned those. I installed a couple crysis games just for the fun of it.
I think it is. 100$/yr all the new games, even If i spend a few hours in each one still cheaper than what I may have spent buying them upfront new.