is my video card broken?


Aug 15, 2002
Earlier today my video output was really wierd. It would look something like this for a bit then goes back to normal:

Now it is like that all the time and won't go away. I've tried to install new drivers and it doesnt help. It also looks like this in the boot up screen before windows even starts up. It looks like it is having trouble displaying everything except blue, white and light grays. All that white with the lines through it is suppose to be black and the icons have pixels that look messed up. Is my card done for? It's an MSI Geforce 4 Ti4600 I bought over a year ago.

Any ideas?

Interesting, I now think it is my monitor. :(, it looks like that even on the its OSD and when it is unplugged and says no signal. I was hoping it was my card too since my monitor is fine and I could upgrade my video. I'll go test another monitor now.

I can't say for certain about your video card (although that doesn't look too good), but doesn't having crap scattered across your desktop drive you nuts?

EDIT: Tried swapping cards yet? (got any handy spares?)
If you don't have a spare to try, it might be helpful to remove the vid card. Using a pencil eraser rub it across the gold fingers on the connector part of the vid card. Then reinstall it and see if that helps. Doesn't cost anything to try..............
You are probably right that it is your monitor. If you are seeing the same sort of color problems with the monitor disconnected and just its OSD on, I would say it is time for a new monitor.
monitor indeed^

Smack it a few times real good be4 you ditch it. Can't hurt. Maybe it'll start werkin' again. :D
yea thats def. the moniter.
i wish they were easy to repair, but they are just like macs, gotta throw it away and get a new one :(
It was my monitor. I have to use my old 17" CRT now :(
But I still think there is something wrong with my vid card or drivers.
I have the newest drivers but this happens to my screen sometimes and minimizing and maximizing a window over the affected area seems to fixes it.
