Is my pc 8800GTX/GTS compatible?


Jul 11, 2007
Yes just wanna no if this motherboard can take a GTX or GTS

Motherboard:eVGA NForce 680i SLI Chipset w/7.1 Sound, Gb LAN, S-ATA Raid, USB 2.0 Dual PCI-E MB
Um... you have what's arguable the best SLI motherboard on the market. Yes. Assuming your PSU can take it, you're good to go.
for the future
if the graphics card interface is the same as the motherboards then it will work. like silent said above it can still depend on if your power supply can take it or not.
The question is will an 8800GTX fit in your case rather than on your motherboard :D
So, your parents bought you a nice pc. and you want to get them to buy yourself a new videocard? If that's the case take it too Best Buy or something, PLEASE let them install it. I do not think you know how to do it.
So, your parents bought you a nice pc. and you want to get them to buy yourself a new videocard? If that's the case take it too Best Buy or something, PLEASE let them install it. I do not think you know how to do it.

Lol well I no how to install a video card and yes my parents are plannen on buying me a new pc for my b day ok thx for the help every1.
Planning? YOu have one of the best mobo's on the market, why?

its just an expression....kinda. son picks out parts the parents are going to buy it. simple as that.

Edit: technically if you go buy what he says then that means the parents would choose the pc for him since they(the parents) are planning to buy him one.
man this has turned into one confusing post. i need sleep
its just an expression....kinda. son picks out parts the parents are going to buy it. simple as that.

Edit: technically if you go buy what he says then that means the parents would choose the pc for him since they(the parents) are planning to buy him one.
man this has turned into one confusing post. i need sleep

Indeed it did. If I understand correctly, he already has the motherboard and he has no idea if it is going to work with 8800gtx. If he does not know, I do not see him being knoweledgable enough to do it. I hate kids that just live off their parents, I really do.
Indeed it did. If I understand correctly, he already has the motherboard and he has no idea if it is going to work with 8800gtx. If he does not know, I do not see him being knoweledgable enough to do it. I hate kids that just live off their parents, I really do.
If he is just a kid then who should he live off of? I do agree that based on his comments he shouldnt be putting together a pc by himself.
If he is just a kid then who should he live off of? I do agree that based on his comments he shouldnt be putting together a pc by himself.

When I was younger I did not get free $1000 parts for my puter, everything I bought, I bought myself. I saw a ton of kids who did nothing, they sat all day playing their games, did not work, nothing. Then after I bust my ass working at McDonalds, back when I was 14, for $5.25 an hour just to get myself a decent pc, I saw them fools beg their mommy's for something and get top of the line stuff, and once again they did not work for it at all. And after getting that, they still were unhappy. they would beg for something else, and not appriciate what their parents were doing for them. They still live off their parents I bet too, it doesn't really piss me off anymore, I just hate lazy kids.
When I was younger I did not get free $1000 parts for my puter, everything I bought, I bought myself. I saw a ton of kids who did nothing, they sat all day playing their games, did not work, nothing. Then after I bust my ass working at McDonalds, back when I was 14, for $5.25 an hour just to get myself a decent pc, I saw them fools beg their mommy's for something and get top of the line stuff, and once again they did not work for it at all. And after getting that, they still were unhappy. they would beg for something else, and not appriciate what their parents were doing for them. They still live off their parents I bet too, it doesn't really piss me off anymore, I just hate lazy kids.
I dont know this kid and neither do you. There could be a lot more to his story but to me that is his private life. It sounds like you are really very jealous and there is no reason to be. If I had the ability to buy my kids(not that I have any) whatever they wanted within reason then I probably would. Of course that would be totally dependent on how they behaved in school as well as at home. I wouldnt buy them computer parts though if I felt like had no clue about what they were getting and that does seem to be the case here.
I dont know this kid and neither do you. There could be a lot more to his story but to me that is his private life. It sounds like you are really very jealous and there is no reason to be. If I had the ability to buy my kids(not that I have any) whatever they wanted within reason then I probably would. Of course that would be totally dependent on how they behaved in school as well as at home. I wouldnt buy them computer parts though if I felt like had no clue about what they were getting and that does seem to be the case here.

I undestrand, right now, I am not really jelaous, but back in the day I guess I was. How would you feel?
Working your arse off after school every day just to get some decent system, when others did nothing for it and still got it?
I undestrand, right now, I am not really jelaous, but back in the day I guess I was. How would you feel?
Working your arse off after school every day just to get some decent system, when others did nothing for it and still got it?

I would have felt proud that my shit was earned and know I would have taken care of it, while their shit wouldn't have been because they wouldn't understand the value of what they got. I would also have taken comfort that later in life they were going to fall hard on their faces when the well ran dry and they had to do something on their own then fail miserably at it. Remember, a silver spoon will always tarnish.

However, for all you know, this kid has worked his ass off mowing the grass, taking out the trash, keeping his roo clean, and doing his homework. So his parents are doing something to show that they appreciate it.
I worked for my "toys" when younger. My sons were spoiled but did great in school and took care of their "toys" :p
So if I said I wanted to buy you a new computer give you a home,and feed your ass. You'd say no thanks I like the sense of pride by doing it on my own...

I call B.S.
Oh man, everyone lift your feet up... it's getting deep in here.

let the boy mooch. It never last forever...
Theres a difference between parents raising their children normally and parents buying their children a $1,500 computer.

Especially when the kid has absolutely no idea what he is doing, has not done research to see whats the best cost/price.
Lol well I no how to install a video card and yes my parents are plannen on buying me a new pc for my b day ok thx for the help every1.

I think the point is, if the kid can't assemble a simple sentence, a computer just may be out of his universe.
I think the point is, if the kid can't assemble a simple sentence, a computer just may be out of his universe.

Yeah, because system building is on par with neurosurgery and every systembuilder in here uses perfect English everytime they open their mouth to talk or crack their knuckles to type something.. :rolleyes:

Leave the damn kid alone, he came here to get help from people that do know how to build systems. However, all he gets is a bunch of people whining about how he's a spoiled rich brat when not a person in here knows this kid or his parents or even the circumstances under which his parents are doing this for him. If you have advice to give him to help him successfully build his computer, then give it. Otherwise, shut up with whiny bitchy "I didn't get than when I was a kid." comments.
Theres a difference between parents raising their children normally and parents buying their children a $1,500 computer.

Especially when the kid has absolutely no idea what he is doing, has not done research to see whats the best cost/price.

Exactly. Even though I can afford everything that I want right now, I still treat every little thing as if it was hardearned. Him asking a question about that mobo just says that he did not do any research whatsoever, it would take 5 minutes of googling to get the right answer. It seems as if he did not do anything for it, but that is not the point. II can assure you that he has no idea of what he is doing, I think there is a good chance of him screwing up, and his parents being $600 out.
When I was younger I did not get free $1000 parts for my puter, everything I bought, I bought myself. I saw a ton of kids who did nothing, they sat all day playing their games, did not work, nothing. Then after I bust my ass working at McDonalds, back when I was 14, for $5.25 an hour just to get myself a decent pc, I saw them fools beg their mommy's for something and get top of the line stuff, and once again they did not work for it at all. And after getting that, they still were unhappy. they would beg for something else, and not appriciate what their parents were doing for them. They still live off their parents I bet too, it doesn't really piss me off anymore, I just hate lazy kids.

Well, get over it. There will always be someone more advantaged then you

I think the point is, if the kid can't assemble a simple sentence, a computer just may be out of his universe.

Eh, I'm all for good grammar and whole-spelling online... But lacking these skills doesn't mean said individual is incapable of building a good machine... I sometimes type like that too. He's probably just younger than the rest of us... And, I've seen MUCH worse. BFD

Theres a difference between parents raising their children normally and parents buying their children a $1,500 computer.

Yes, but the two are *NOT* mutually exculusive. One can raise a good child while providing 1500$ for a computer.

Him asking a question about that mobo just says that he did not do any research whatsoever, it would take 5 minutes of googling to get the right answer.

I'll agree there.
Ok first up first im now a little kiddie, Im 18, Im not rich. I got my pc at and got for 900$ minium computer. Not 1500$ or 1000$, its 900$.
I as we speak im using my new pc that I assembled :)
It should, because a $900 should have a PCI connector and at least one PCI-Express 6x slot.