Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

Apr 3, 2007
I have a home network set up through a wireless router, with my computer and my roommate's computer both wired directly into the router. My Internet speed is supposed to be around 6000 kbps. My computer gets between 200 - 3000 kbps and my roommate's computer gets around 18000 - 20000 kbps.

I don't understand why this is or what I can do about it. I've even tried connecting my computer to the modem directly(completely disconnecting the router from the modem) and I get the same speeds. I've even replaced the network cable, with no luck.

What's going on here? Is there a hardware failure of some kind or some software setting I'm missing? Before I moved here, I was getting roughly ~15000 kbps and nothing has changed hardware or software-wise since then.

I'm stumped. :(
how are you testing your speeds?

I'm testing my speed with and Curiously, it seems like I have fairly low pings everywhere(lower than my roommate), just horrible download speeds. My upload speed is fine, and usually higher than my download speed which is really strange.
I would format the computer and start from the beginning.
I would format the computer and start from the beginning.

The thing is, this Windows install is only a couple of months old and I really haven't added much to it. Would it be possible for bad RAM to be causing this? When I first got this RAM it was giving me random CRC errors when downloading executables but it's not doing that anymore.