Is my ISP throttling my connection?


Jun 30, 2005
We recently switched ISP's at my office building, went from one T1 to two of them in the process. Cisco router (provided by isp) plugged into pfSense firewall. These are three 2 minute traffic graphs I took when I was one of three people in the building, and was either installing something with apt, or downloading a linux image. The bandwidth cuts out every few seconds. I looked at some graphs generated under similar circumstances (athome (comcast 6/2 cable) and when i had a fast download going it would be pegged at 6MBit, no drops like this.

We recently switched ISP's at my office building, went from one T1 to two of them in the process. Cisco router (provided by isp) plugged into pfSense firewall. These are three 2 minute traffic graphs I took when I was one of three people in the building, and was either installing something with apt, or downloading a linux image. The bandwidth cuts out every few seconds. I looked at some graphs generated under similar circumstances (athome (comcast 6/2 cable) and when i had a fast download going it would be pegged at 6MBit, no drops like this.

What do you pings like look??
What do you pings like look??

While downloading a CD Image:
--- ping statistics ---
12 packets transmitted, 12 received, 0% packet loss, time 11002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 83.711/102.505/112.946/7.306 ms
--- ping statistics ---
11 packets transmitted, 11 received, 0% packet loss, time 9999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 68.616/139.109/224.174/34.985 ms
--- ping statistics ---
14 packets transmitted, 14 received, 0% packet loss, time 13030ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 78.735/139.614/199.579/31.361 ms
While connection is close to idle:
--- ping statistics ---
12 packets transmitted, 12 received, 0% packet loss, time 11000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.195/23.328/52.175/10.103 ms
--- ping statistics ---
12 packets transmitted, 12 received, 0% packet loss, time 11002ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 49.434/54.447/80.129/8.763 ms
--- ping statistics ---
15 packets transmitted, 15 received, 0% packet loss, time 14001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 56.178/57.961/67.749/2.845 ms

Traffic shaping is not implemented on the pfSense yet. I tried once, but it started dropping packets when the network got really congested, and i've been too busy coding a database app to read up on how to make it work right.

While downloading a CD Image:

While connection is close to idle:

Traffic shaping is not implemented on the pfSense yet. I tried once, but it started dropping packets when the network got really congested, and i've been too busy coding a database app to read up on how to make it work right.

I wonder if your t1s are working correctly, I would call the ISP and see if they can run some sort of test, like say a loop back and check their lines...
I just realized that the WAN NIC is running at half duplex. The onboard NIC wasnt detected by pfSense, so I put in an old Intel 10/100 pci nic in. Its plugged in directly to the cisco router (Cisco 2610 IIRC). Could that have anything to do with this?
Is the Cisco set as basically a bridge so your *nix router is your only router? Or is the Cisco also doing NAT?
Is the Cisco set as basically a bridge so your *nix router is your only router? Or is the Cisco also doing NAT?

I'm pretty sure its just set as a bridge, because the cisco belongs to the ISP, and I have no access to its configuration, but my router is successfully doing 1:1 NAT mapping 4 public IP's to private IP's on the LAN.
I would contact you ISP and have them look into it.

One advantage of having T1 usually is having much better support from the ISP.