Is my harddrive dropping dead?


Aug 1, 2003
I just recently copied my entire C: partition from my Western Digital 80GB 8mb cache hard drive to my 40GB Deskstar HD, I booted off the deskstar and it booted in 3.5 bars, but got to the windows welcome screen and just sat there, probably because it didn't copy properly or needed to be activated or something.
Now what leads me to believe my drive is dieing. I get tons of blue screens, plus boot time is like upwards of 10-13 bars. Shouldn't they be the same seeing as both drives are exact copies?

I'm going to reinstall windows onto the deskstar and see if I can get a faster boot time and get it to work...What should I do if my drive is dieing?
how did you copy it? did you use norton ghost or a similiar program? if you just copied within windows to the other hdd I think it will just be crap. do a reformat and install windows regularly.