Is my card dying?, take a look.


Limp Gawd
Aug 13, 2003
Been playin the shit out of Far Cry, and now I get to look forward tto this when I fire it up.

Here's a grenade exploding, with Windows logo shrapnel.

The great outdoors on the Volcano level.

What do you think? I've only had this card since November/December 03. Never oc'd or really abused till FArcry came out.
Windows just loves you, simple as that. ;)
Is it OC'd? If so try putting it to stock. It might be overheating like my damn card is.
Originally posted by RandysWay
Windows just loves you, simple as that. ;)
Is it OC'd? If so try putting it to stock. It might be overheating like my damn card is.

My card has never been oc'd, ever. As far as cooling goes, I have plenty of fans running and the card doesn't seem any hotter than it would be playing any other game. Right after I posted, I turned off AA and AF, textures to Medium and shadows to low, everything else on High. Well, it ran with out the texture corruption and I also just beat the game, I didn't realize I was like 10 minutes from the end.:)

This game must push these cards to their breaking points. I don't know.
looks like you're getting polygonal artifacts... that'd point to memory overheating.. Try blowing a fan over your card, or else you have a reason to RMA and get a new one... especially if you haven't overclocked and it can't run stock speeds without artifacts!
Try removing the overclock on your PC .. i.e. set the FSB back to normal.

IMHO Seems that the more ya clock the FSB the higher the video card is going, without setting anything on that card itself.
Check the HSF unit. If it's not getting hot, (moderatly hot) something is wrong. Probably the shim is not allowing the core to touch the HSF or something like that.

Or just RMA the thing.
I have my PCI-AGP clocks locked in BIOS. I was thinking of buying this card fan , instead of getting like a whole new setup like the Zalman Z80 or whatever. Seems like a good idea to me, except it has blue led's all over it.:(

If my heat sink isn't getting proper contact, if I pull it apart and put it back together, should I use something else besides Arctic Silver? I have a tube of AS3 laying around here.

Oh and also, if I decide to RMA my card. I go to ATI right? I bought it from Best Buy when they had that sale before Christmas. I have no idea where my receipt is......crap.
personally, if you're getting artifacts at stock speed... it's call for an RMA... you can go through either, but i bet Best buy will point you to ATi... Shouldn't be a painful process at all, in fact, ATi will send you a card before you return yours! (Just give them your Credit card number... this is in case you try to rip them off)...
I heard that some artifacts are shown in Far Cry with recent CATALYST Driver. Also heared that 9800 PRO's are dying coz far cry makes them work hard so temp. raises more............any one of these can happen to you............lets pray for the first..................also try installing CAT 04.4.