Is it worth to upgrade yet?


Aug 16, 2004
I would like to upgrade my motherboard and CPU to socket 939. The CPU that I'm looking at is the new AMD Athlon 64 3800+ Venice

I would like to upgrade because I'm a hardcore gamer, and all the new games that will be coming out soon are gone need a strong system. The main reson for this is Battlefield 2.

My System:
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Newcastle
Asus K8V SE Deluxe
1Gigabyte of KingstonHyperX PC3200
36GB Raptor HDD
200GB Seagate HDD
eVga 6800GT OCed to Ultra speeds
Ultra 500WATT PSU
Have you considerd maybe getting a 3200+ Venice and overclocking? These things are hitting 2.5-2.7GHz with the stock hsf and no increase in core voltage. Have you had your eye on any motherboards?
the 3000+ should be enough.. if you're really worried, just overclock it as far as you can. when you get the game, if you can isolate the cpu as the problem by dropping visual quality and seeing if fps goes up, you can consider a faster cpu.

also, there have been a lot of comments about 2gb being good for BF2
2 gigs really, that sounds pretty interesting. And I'm not really an OCer the only thing that I got over locked is my video card for 12 more fps.

And so far no I have not looked at any mobos yet.
i personally don't like via, but purely because of oc'ing related issues. you really should consider it, it's an easy way to get a bunch more performance for free. just don't go crazy with the voltage and you won't hurt anything
then i'd just do that. one thing you have to remember is that if you go with the 3800+, you'll need a new mobo too.
Excluding the oc option, I'd just buy a beefier cpu if you find you really need more power (the gfx card is strong enough).

Things are changing over to PCIe, so I'd make your next mobo purchase a PCIe one. Probably a good idea to skip s939 totally, and wait out the M2 socket. Ditching a mobo and cpu for another mobo and cpu when you've not done any cpu upgrading seems a little short sighted to me. Far more cost effective to just upgrade the cpu (considering you'll have an extra $100 to spend on the chip if you don't get the motherboard). That will more than offset the lack of dual-channel.
Yeah I really want the 3800+ do you guys think that would give me a FPS boost and if by how much?
DejaWiz said:
Have you considerd maybe getting a 3200+ Venice and overclocking? These things are hitting 2.5-2.7GHz with the stock hsf and no increase in core voltage. Have you had your eye on any motherboards?

Wow I must have got a crappy venice because my 3000+ wont do 2.5 ghz without 1.52 volts.
If you want more performance with your current setup, I vote to toy around with overclocking. If you can run what you have now up to 2.4GHz stable, then it's like a free upgrade. Save the money you would be spending on a new S754 cpu and put it towards a S939 board and proc or the future M2. Another option: wait and get a S939 board when M2 is close to or shortly after release, as I think the boards and X2 dual cores by then will be a lot cheaper than they are now (unless M2 starts out really really inexpensive to just get that from the get-go). Then you can sell your S754 goods on eBay or post in the FS/FT thread.... someone out there always needs parts to upgrade an 'ole celeron or K6-2.
I was palying a lots of games latley and I have not been up with all the new stuff that is coming out what is the M2. I got a css clan to lead lol
M2 is the future AMD socket. Due mid-'06, though as with all tech-dates that will be highly variable. It will bring support for DDR2 (amongst other things).

s754 is on it's last (possibly last but one) generation of performance chip (budget chips in the future).
i wouldn't be surprised if we saw one more speed bump in the s754 mobile section before moving everything over to M2

also, i think at some point we'll have to start an M2 rumor thread, akin to the venice/revE rumor thread frallan made way back when. ;)