Is it worth it for 8800GTX ?

IN theory yes and very effective, however if the fan output of that thing did not match up with the fan intake on the video card its effectivness would be greatly reduced (for best results you want the fan of that thing blowing directly into the fan of the video card) . That said, ANYTHING you can do to make electronics run cooler is a very good thing.
Looks like a waste of $ and space. The real deal is to disassemble the card and mod it with some real TIM and possibly lapping.
Looks like a waste of $ and space. The real deal is to disassemble the card and mod it with some real TIM and possibly lapping.

Not everyone wants to take a chance at possibly voiding their warrenty.

I run a PCI Slot cooler right under my 8800GTX and it dropped roughly 11c on idle and 8 on load at stock speeds. If you have room, I would do it.
Bah , "the real deal" (dont have a pic yet of the 8800 installed)

EVGA will honor the warranty with cooling changes, just dont tear stuff up and but it back together. However with improved cooling you reduce the odds of having to send it back. Win Win with EVGA.

I think the consesus was that those card slot coolers work pretty well as long as they are bringing cool air in to feed the GPU cooler - put one right below the GPU and have it blow nice cool air into the GPU intake fan. If they are the kind that suck air out of the case then they don't do much for you.
Sorry to be a PIA here, but if the OP's reason for this thread is to overclock his card (thus needing better cooling) a slot fan ain't gonna do crap for him. If you want to OC your card, you HAVE to disassemble the thing and either A: get a better A/M cooler or B: mod your card.
Sorry to be a PIA here, but if the OP's reason for this thread is to overclock his card (thus needing better cooling) a slot fan ain't gonna do crap for him. If you want to OC your card, you HAVE to disassemble the thing and either A: get a better A/M cooler or B: mod your card.

I disagree. The cooler on the GTS and GTX models is pretty darn good, especially if you use Rivatuner to set a constant fan speed. Many, many people have had good overclocking success without taking the card apart. The slot fan can make a difference, lots of people reporting 5 degree or more drops just by adding one.
It's not so much the stock cooler being bad per se, it's nV's assembly using that piss poor TIM. Whatever floats your boat. You're not voiding any warranties - I don't know why you WOULDN'T want better contact/better TIM. Oh well. I'm talking to a brick wall here.