is it just me or does last generation cards not keeping up in fear and cod2

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BF2 sucks ass. Why would you play BF2 with settings maxed and a large resolution? With view distance turned up to max and the lowest possible settings everything off is how I played it too bad the game sucked balls. I mean if I wanted a vehicle sim or flight sim I can pick one up but seriously BF2 and the rankings are pure crap. FPS games even on my 21" CRT I never go over 1024 x 768 why? MP FPS you want FPS turn off all shadows immediately after install and frag people. I don't want the game to look good I want to kill newbs. Believe it or not RTCW ET BF1942 and BF2 and the any new game out really isn't drastically prettier graphics wise there is minor differences and the huge costs involved now with the vid cards just to get these crappy graphics it's a scam. Sure I will buy a GTX when its a good deal then I will turn all my settings low so I run at 60+FPS for sure w/ no shadows and kill you repeatedly in FPS games because people that play with it maxed online are idiots. Sure make world of warcraft look good or that single player game yea crank it up but online having a LCD + High Res + maxed settings will get you killed 9/10 like a newb.

It would be one thing if a 400-600 dollar video card played a game that actually had stunning graphics but I haven't seen any game with stunning graphics or realistic looking plus a video card that will do it.......

Christ HL2 doesn't look better than HL1 it's a minor upgrade who the hell cares.

Now all you dorks with a LCD and/or running maxed settings jump on a FEAR server so I can kill you repeatedly while you attempt to hide in shadows that aren't there on my screen so I can laugh.
.::MAGE::. said:
BF2 sucks ass. Why would you play BF2 with settings maxed and a large resolution? With view distance turned up to max and the lowest possible settings everything off is how I played it too bad the game sucked balls. I mean if I wanted a vehicle sim or flight sim I can pick one up but seriously BF2 and the rankings are pure crap. FPS games even on my 21" CRT I never go over 1024 x 768 why? MP FPS you want FPS turn off all shadows immediately after install and frag people. I don't want the game to look good I want to kill newbs. Believe it or not RTCW ET BF1942 and BF2 and the any new game out really isn't drastically prettier graphics wise there is minor differences and the huge costs involved now with the vid cards just to get these crappy graphics it's a scam. Sure I will buy a GTX when its a good deal then I will turn all my settings low so I run at 60+FPS for sure w/ no shadows and kill you repeatedly in FPS games because people that play with it maxed online are idiots. Sure make world of warcraft look good or that single player game yea crank it up but online having a LCD + High Res + maxed settings will get you killed 9/10 like a newb.

It would be one thing if a 400-600 dollar video card played a game that actually had stunning graphics but I haven't seen any game with stunning graphics or realistic looking plus a video card that will do it.......

Christ HL2 doesn't look better than HL1 it's a minor upgrade who the hell cares.

Now all you dorks with a LCD and/or running maxed settings jump on a FEAR server so I can kill you repeatedly while you attempt to hide in shadows that aren't there on my screen so I can laugh.

.::MAGE::. said:
BF2 sucks ass. Why would you play BF2 with settings maxed and a large resolution? With view distance turned up to max and the lowest possible settings everything off is how I played it too bad the game sucked balls. I mean if I wanted a vehicle sim or flight sim I can pick one up but seriously BF2 and the rankings are pure crap. FPS games even on my 21" CRT I never go over 1024 x 768 why? MP FPS you want FPS turn off all shadows immediately after install and frag people. I don't want the game to look good I want to kill newbs. Believe it or not RTCW ET BF1942 and BF2 and the any new game out really isn't drastically prettier graphics wise there is minor differences and the huge costs involved now with the vid cards just to get these crappy graphics it's a scam. Sure I will buy a GTX when its a good deal then I will turn all my settings low so I run at 60+FPS for sure w/ no shadows and kill you repeatedly in FPS games because people that play with it maxed online are idiots. Sure make world of warcraft look good or that single player game yea crank it up but online having a LCD + High Res + maxed settings will get you killed 9/10 like a newb.

It would be one thing if a 400-600 dollar video card played a game that actually had stunning graphics but I haven't seen any game with stunning graphics or realistic looking plus a video card that will do it.......

Christ HL2 doesn't look better than HL1 it's a minor upgrade who the hell cares.

Now all you dorks with a LCD and/or running maxed settings jump on a FEAR server so I can kill you repeatedly while you attempt to hide in shadows that aren't there on my screen so I can laugh.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

You guys had a chance to keep this clean and ontopic, however the choice to turn it into a bunch of arguements was the wrong one. This type of behavior will not be tolerated.
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