Is is necessary to install Via 4in1's?


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2002
Is it really necessary to install the VIA 4 in 1's? What functionality/advantage is there to installing them? I just reformatted my comp and was just wondering if its worth installing them. Specs for PowerHouse in sig.

um, yea, ah drivers tell your computer how to use certain hardware properly. Why wouldnt you want to install them? they are rather small in size and will allow your hardware to work to its full potential. also bugs will be works out and so on. why again dont you want to install them?
VIA's P4X400 chipset, accompanied by VIA's newly released Hyperion 4in1 drivers, make some very impressive benchmark numbers, as well as some incredible features.

'Nuff said. <3

The via 4in1's contain your AGP driver for a start. Without this installed your graphics card will be treated as a "standard VGA device" hence crippling it, and effectively wasting any money you spent on it.
Thanks for the replies. The reason I was asking if its necessary, is because the computer seems to be running fine without it. ie. all the hardware is recognized and working properly.
Forthy said:
The via 4in1's contain your AGP driver for a start. Without this installed your graphics card will be treated as a "standard VGA device" hence crippling it, and effectively wasting any money you spent on it.
Without ANY drivers this may be the case, however windows will load drivers from it's stock DB, and if your connected to the internet you can also get updates through windows update. However, not all drivers are on windows update, only WHQL certified (MS' blessing on the drivers). So downloading and updating drivers from VIA's website will get you newer versions that are not WHQL, but will like increase performance.

BuisyBizz, create a restore point in system restore, and load the new drivers. *IF* something goes south (always possible when loading new drivers), reload the restore point.