Is Halo 3 too jaggy? Need feedback

I have to say that something's really wrong with your TV in that case... I've played it on SDTV, HDTV and a projector and I've never seen any issues with blurring / loss of detail.


You can say Halo 3 has jaggy issues (I wouldn't call them issues, but jaggies do exist). However, the game is as sharp as a tack. No blurring problems over here. Probably just the guy's TV.
I've decided to go for it. I think the improvement over Halo 2 on 360 is enough that I won't get sick while playing.

A girl I used to work with just got it so I feel it is my duty to get online with her and hit her with my sticky grenade.

So to speak.
I finally broke down bought a 360, Halo 3 and Gears. I really do not notice a jaggie issue. I have my 360 set at 720p (my tvs native res), and the game looks great. The jaggies may be more pronouced in stills, but in motion they are hardly visible.
I bought a H3 Special Edition 360 on September 26, 2007, with Halo 3. I have a Toshiba Regza 32hl67. It is connected to the 360 via HDMI. I tried every resolution, 720p, 1080i, 1080p, it's a jagged mess. When I move forward, it ends up turning into a blurry jagged picture. It was an ugly sight, aliasing on the gun, the barrel, the ammo text from the gun, every freakin edge in the game was jagged. From what I remember, when I played H2 on my premium xbox 360 before it RRODed, it looked better than H3. Well at least I get to play orange box on my 8800 rig without any jaggies bothering me :)
There is a 13 page thread about anti-aliasing issues on the xbox technical issues forum. Almost everyone who commented on that thread is experiencing problems with H3 and jaggies. So it's a pretty serious issue.
The only place I ever see jaggies is on flat surfaces in the distance. They definitely are worse than they really should be, but it hasn't detracted from my gaming experience.

Also, I don't see any "blurring" at all. Everything is very crisp, just some "stairs" where they shouldn't be.

You can say Halo 3 has jaggy issues (I wouldn't call them issues, but jaggies do exist). However, the game is as sharp as a tack. No blurring problems over here. Probably just the guy's TV.

The only things that were in focus and were nice and detailed were the FAR FAR FAR OFF background things like the skyline, and the sky......and like......the stuff on the horizon. Those were all nice and pretty (really nice and pretty). The real problem was the stuff that was outside throwing distance, it was just crap.
There is a 13 page thread about anti-aliasing issues on the xbox technical issues forum. Almost everyone who commented on that thread is experiencing problems with H3 and jaggies. So it's a pretty serious issue.

You can find 13 page forum posts that say pretty much anything. 99+% of the people who are playing halo 3 aren't so turned off by the graphics that it overwhelms the gameplay. Its a true testament to some people's superficiality. If you really think the graphics in halo 3 are so bad that it isn't worth playing, please gtfo of gaming. Thanks.
Relax Mr. Baddy (spaceman spiff), I didn't say anything about H3 not being worth playing. I just wanted to point out that the thread on the xbox forum deals will all games having this issue and how the Spring Update "turned off" anti aliasing on the 360.
I just saw a video of Portal/TF2 being played on 360, saw jaggies in those titles as well.
I think the graphics compliment this game well. Sure there are some jaggies but what caught my eye is keeping the frame rate up while there was multiple explosions, projectiles, enemies on the screen and once. I enjoyed the single player campain big time.
Ok, after a week or so overall I'm pretty impressed. Yes, the jaggies kill seeing things clearly at long range, and that's kind of shameful. Since my aim is so bad there's not much I could do anyway but enemies at a great distance are really indistinct.

Overall though it looks good to me, the lighting is very nice and my own incompetence at console FPS is hurting me far more than the jaggies. :D

I'm happy with this purchase, although it only cost me $30 because I had $30 in Amazon gift certificates from doing online research polls. ;)
Relax Mr. Baddy (spaceman spiff), I didn't say anything about H3 not being worth playing. I just wanted to point out that the thread on the xbox forum deals will all games having this issue and how the Spring Update "turned off" anti aliasing on the 360.
I just saw a video of Portal/TF2 being played on 360, saw jaggies in those titles as well.
ooooooooooooooooooo!!! jaggies!!!!! someone get him a tissue.
ooooooooooooooooooo!!! jaggies!!!!! someone get him a tissue.

Isn't that the #1 argument when Xbox fanboys point out why Xbox ports of games are superior to PS3's?
Now that Halo 3 has them, jaggies aren't a big deal.

I love the contradiction.
Isn't that the #1 argument when Xbox fanboys point out why Xbox ports of games are superior to PS3's?
Now that Halo 3 has them, jaggies aren't a big deal.

I love the contradiction.

Ding ding. Huge contradiction, especially for a flagship title. Also true that the same people say the Wii sucks because of non-HD graphics.

But now graphics don't make the game for them. Odd....

I probably wouldn't care as long as it looks better than Halo 1.