Is anybody else having troubles with seasonic s12 600W and dual opteron?


May 16, 2002
EDIT 7/25/2006: My theory, which has little to no basis in the real world, was that the main ATX connector might be an issue. For the seasonics and fortrons the power connector is split, but for the antec, and now a silverstone 750w, the power connector has all 24 pins in one unit. I know I don't have a very good distribution of samples having only a limited number of psu's, but it does appear that split connector psu's give weird issues in the bios readings (sometimes). To summarize, with one piece connectors (24 pins) the motherboard readings are as they should be. With two piece connectors the 5V rail often reads at 4.34V and the 12V rail is sometimes (rare) at 11V. I plan to get another silverstone and see if it fixes the other computer that has bogus readings. Any thoughts you guys? Is this just a question of the extra 4 pins not seating correctly? I can't seem to get it to seat any more firmly and it is flush so I don't really know why having a split connect would cause any problems. That being said my initial instabilities haven't cropped up, so the replacement seasonics probably would have worked just fine. Meh.

UPDATE 3/24/2006: 2 good and 7 bad

UPDATE 3/11/2006: So I was wrong about the good replacement, it had the same problem the others did. Now I have 2 good ones and 5 bad.

UPDATE 3/10/2006: I have received 3 replacements, only one of which was good. The tally is 3 out of 7 have been ok. I also noticed that the 12V line drops in addition to the 5V line. If I believe my bios the 5V line flips between 4.3V and 5V every 10s or so with most of the time being spend at 4.3V. For the 12V line it flipped between 11.1 and 12V every 5s or so, with equal time for each. :(

I bought 4 of these power supplies to replace the antec truepower 2.0 550W ones I had before b/c of long term problems reported on anandtech. However, I have had stability problems with two of them (2 seem fine), both of which have low +5V lines, 4.34V. Did I just get 2 bad power supplies or should I move over to pc power and cooling 850W ones?
For that matter, why are you automatically going on to obscene overkill?
Reminder, folks. PCP&C rates at 50C. Everyone else rates at 35C or lower. (Excepting Zippy and Etasys, who rate at 45C.) The PCP&C 510XE can do two Opteron 252's, 8GB, LSI Ultra320-2X, and 10 15KRPM drives. Chances are that you don't need the 850.
Good questions. The main reason I think it is the PSs is b/c I never had this problem when I used the antec's and that's the only thing that changed. Also, on one of them I switched back to the antec and the voltages have been fine since, and I haven't had a crash in two weeks. I am using tyan k8sd pro's, and some of these have dual 275s, 12GB of RAM, and 5 hard drives, so overkill might not be such a bad thing especially if I want to add more RAM, etc. in the future.
it is possible that you could have gotten two out of the four psu bad.
the computer industry is like a craps shoot.
i would just send em back and have em replaced.
I kind of wondered that, so I have sent one back (I can't take the other out just yet). I will let you know the results.
so how'd yea make out wazoo42?
i got my S-12 in and mines working like a charm. ;)
Are you monitoring only with the BIOS, or a multimeter in addition? BIOS voltages and temps are notoriously inaccurate.

Just the bios, I don't know how to do it with a multimeter while it is plugged into stuff. I did just try turning it on and checking the voltages with a multimeter (so nothing was connected) and they all check out ok. The thing is that I have the new ones that consistently show up as a low voltage. I unhook it and hook back up one of the good ones and it will read fine. I'd think that if a mobo had inconsistencies it would do so for all power supplies.
AreEss said:
For that matter, why are you automatically going on to obscene overkill?
Reminder, folks. PCP&C rates at 50C. Everyone else rates at 35C or lower. (Excepting Zippy and Etasys, who rate at 45C.) The PCP&C 510XE can do two Opteron 252's, 8GB, LSI Ultra320-2X, and 10 15KRPM drives. Chances are that you don't need the 850.

wazoo42 said:
Just the bios, I don't know how to do it with a multimeter while it is plugged into stuff. I did just try turning it on and checking the voltages with a multimeter (so nothing was connected) and they all check out ok. The thing is that I have the new ones that consistently show up as a low voltage. I unhook it and hook back up one of the good ones and it will read fine. I'd think that if a mobo had inconsistencies it would do so for all power supplies.
This pretty much explains what you need to do. Touch the black lead to ground, and put the red lead into the back of the ATX connector while the machine's on. If all you're checking is +12 and +5, put the black lead in a molex's black pin (either one) and put the red in either red (5) or yellow (12).

Thanks for the advice. I checked both the 5 and 12V lines and they look ok. I think the next thing I will do is take one of the good seasonic's and put it in one of the bad computers. Perhaps there is some sort of incompatibility between the mobo and these power supplies or maybe it is something different all together. All I know is that I didn't have any problems when I used the antec's, but once I started using the seasonic's I have random crashes.
I have to say, 2 good and 7 bad sounds like it's other equipment problems, not the power supply. If this were WD, for example, I might think otherwise, but Seasonic is usually reliable from what I've heard.
