Is any James Bond 007 game ever going to live up to Goldeneye?

We didnt allow people to play oddjob.

I always played as the fat dude Valentin to give my friends more of a chance :p

Proximity mines were awesome on facility or archives, it was easy to rig up all the spawn points and just laugh as people spawned into mine after mine after mine... haha
Nope, the pinnacle of the 007 games is Goldeneye, and nothing will ever beat it. The newer games just seem so dated compared to everything else today, and Goldeneye was so far ahead of everything else of the time.
WOW I cannot believe that I have just found this thread.
Good ole goldeneye,I have no idea of how many hours I had into that game.I mean seriously me and my buddies at that time were young,we saved up cash and all pitched in on the system game and controllers.

This thread really brings back the old days.That is all we did,nothing but getting drunk,betting on goldeneye.My buddy was so good at goldeneyemneedless to say I made some money off of goldeneye.

I loved that game.I feel that now @ my young age of 23 there will never be a game like goldeneye that will impact my life like the original did.@ the time for a console game it was the shit.Anyone that says different is talking out the side of their kudo
at that time were young...

we did,nothing but getting drunk...

I feel that now @ my young age of 23

Goldeneye 007 N64 - 1995
Young at 23 - 2008
Getting drunk with your buddies when you are ten years old. Priceless
We didn;t get it when it came out (LOL) we were still playing other games and not drinking then.
Me and my buddies grew up broke so in 95 we were still playing mario on nes.In 95 I was really into my 20 inch bicycle and all the money I got went into my bike.
I dont think we got goldeneye until around 2000 so I was 15yrs old then at the time we got 007.(not saying what I was doing @ 15 was right at all tho)

I call those the good ole days because now that I am established I look back at those days and it makes me happy knowing that I made my life better,it reminds me of the hard times I had while I was growing up.I wouldn't wish what I went thru upon anyone.I am glad it happened tho because it made me learn to love and appreciate life
Goldeneye launched the console FPS into mainstream popularity. I distinctly remember the countless nights of 4 player DM. Beers strewn on the coffee table. The single player component was great as well. I just had to unlock 007 mode. The game was revolutionary to a small degree. I doubt any Bond game will ever impress me as much unless it introduces something completely new to the series/genre .