Is AMD 4x4 going to be significantly faster than Kentsfield?

InorganicMatter said:
Correct. Woodcrest goes against Opteron, and 4x4 goes against Kentsfield. Comparing the memory prices of Woodcrest (a server solution) to 4x4 (a desktop solution) is unfair since even the most "xxtreme 1337 3dition" gaming hardware still costs less than server stuff.
So why have people in this thread been comparing 4x4 to a woodcrest solution then?
drizzt81 said:
So why have people in this thread been comparing 4x4 to a woodcrest solution then?
Actually.....I'm not sure. :confused: Chris said something about FB-DIMMs and suddenly we go to Woodcrest versus Opterons.

That's the internet for you!