is a 7900 enough to drive a 30" lcd monitor?

Depends on your plans. If you're speaking of the ultra-high-resolution 3007, and you want to play F.E.A.R. at max rez, it'd probably be better to get an SLI setup. A 7950GX2 would handle it, I think. That's a damn high resolution though, it's going to stress basically any hardware.
If you just want to be able to use the desktop then yeah. If you're wanting to game at native resolution, then probably not. You could always run at half the resolution and have it interpolate it up to the full screen, or you could run 1:1 pixel scaling, and you'll still end up with a pretty big viewable screen size, which will look great, and offer pretty decent performance.
a 7900 will easily power the LCD, gaming is another story

you will definitely be able to play at 2560x1600, you'll just have to cut back on eye candy
Eye candy at full rez will be almost nill. My 2 7900GTX's run it pretty damn nice but with games such as F.E.A.R. I'm moving up to Quad-SLI. But, it all depends on what you'll view as acceptable.