Ipod Shuffle 59.99


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2005
There's a craptastic grocery store here in Northern Kentucky called Aldi that has Apple 512MB Ipod shuffles new in box for 59.99 if anyones here or interested. I'm about to pick some up to pawn off on Ebay.

one of the biggest chains on the planit if i recall; massive in europe. they have good deals on electronics halfway often (i have amedium wireless keyboard/mouse combo i got for 14 bucks there a couple years back)
haha we have Aldi's here in Iowa - if I remember i'll check. No rush - no one around here is going to know about it...haha
Got one of those here in CT, they make you put $1 in quarters in the carriage holder so bums won't take them...

Friend of mine got a nice computer for really cheap from them a while ago, I'll see if they have any shuffles : )
Staples weekly ad 2 weeks ago had the 1GB shuffle for $99 in-store. Not sure if it's still active though.
Aldi's are all over the midwest (or atleast ohio).. and yeah i'd say they're pretty craptastic, lol. it's like a grocery store that carries a few non grocery items at random.
aldi is in ga

i wouldnt buy a shuffle tho. I'm anti mac/ipod
Aldi's is great when you are on a budget. I stop by everyone once in a while and stock up on can foods. Nothing like a flat of tomato soup for a couple of bucks. I am going to stop by.
Spectre said:
Kind of funny that people don't know Aldi

I saw an Aldi when I visited Racine, Wisconsin last summer. I've traveled through 47 of the 48 continental US states in the past 15 years, taking buses, cars, pretty much anything road based (no planes) and I had never been to one nor seen one in all the years of traveling.

To say it's funny people haven't heard of it would be like going west of the Mississippi and telling people you want breakfast from Hardee's, because most times they'll laugh at you - then you realize that out west, it's called Carl's Jr. Same restaurants, same menus (for the most part), just different names. Chik-Fil-A is like that also. I grew up with Chik-Fil-A all over this area of Virginia; they're just now expanding out west, but until a few years ago, people in the west thought you were making a joke just by saying the name of the place.

Kinda like me living in Vegas for several years, falling in love with the Orange Chicken from Panda Express. That stuff is sooooooooo good. Now I'm back home on the East Coast of Virginia and no one here has a freakin' clue what I'm talking about when I mention them. There's one location in DC, one in Maryland and that's about it - although they are expanding.

Aldi's isn't what I'd consider nationwide, just in select markets.

Fry's Electronics... best damned computer/audio/video store on the face of the earth, bar none. Just ask anyone that's ever purchased stuff there. But nationwide? Nope. Just in the southwest and probably noplace else ever. I know about 'em from shopping at 'em, but again, people here on the East Coast? Never heard of the places.

Regional stores and retailers are quite common. Even nationwide stores aren't necessarily everywhere. I remember living in Spokane, Washington years ago and I missed my Super Big Gulps from 7-11. At the time I was in town, there were only 2 stores in the entire city/area. Circle K had that vicinity locked up. And I've been to some places that don't have any 7-11's and when I asked about them all I got back were blank stares. :)

I have never seen an Aldi store in my life. When I saw this thread, I went to their website to see how far the nearest location was. I have 5 of them within 10 miles of me, all on roads and in shopping centers I go through almost everyday.


Maybe I'll check out this deal though. Thanks
Went into one today in NC...they had like 10 of them...but they are marked 89.99...

I think I will pass on that deal. I wonder if they are marked wrong.
Aldi's has really good cinnamon raisin bagles for uber cheap. They taste so good.

-Mn Scout
I lived in Germany. There Aldi is one of the nicest grocery stores and they always have super good deals like this.

I remember one time when I went to get food with my mom she let me put in the whole speaker system with rebate. Nothing like a new 5.1 system with dinner. :D
Crap I moved away from GEorgia and miss the Orange Chicken from panada express too. Or the mongolian beef from Jade Dragon :(.
got mine! thnx for the hot deal (got it a week back). made it just in time..someone had made off with 8 shuffles when the store opened on Monday and I got the last one (on display! :))