iPod Nano: Thinking of Buying


Nov 1, 2005
Well, I have $100 on me and I won a $100 gift-card thing from work :). So, I was thinking of getting an iPod Nano.

Not sure though. I was curious if the battery dies, what do you do? Can you get it replaced or what?

And also, will I be able to mail my ipond nano to apple and get the back sketched? Thanks.
1. To mail it back, im sure there are some sort of apple handling fees. If you must have it etched, buy it online would be the safest bet i think.

2. $200 will only get you 2 gigs. 2 gigs is nothing my friend. If you think you can get away with only 2 gigs, go for it. Otherwise, I say save up at least another $50 to get the 4 gig, or better yet save up $100 to get the real ipod, unless you want the form factor of course, in which case you wont find a better unit than the nano.

3. Batteries dying is just sensless hype for the most part. You never hear about the batteries that last the whole life of the ipod. I just bought a 5G 60GB ipod, but before that i had a 1G 20GB ipod for 4 years and the battery didnt give me trouble till about 2 months ago. But, to answer your question, yes you can have the battery replaced for ~$60 I think by apple. You can have someone else or even yourself do it for substantially cheaper.

Good luck...you will be happy nomatter what if you get an ipod.
I sold my old 15gig 3rd gen and bought a 1gig shuffle. Personally I think 2gigs is good, but it depends on the person. I'm the type that likes to put random shit on my ipod, shuffle it and go. If the song sucks (next song). 1gig is about 8-10 music albums for me, MORE than enough to get through a day, even a week.

Also having an ipod with only a few albums on it rather than a few hundred make things WAY easier to organize. MOST people with 30/60 gig ipods fill them FULL with music, and make playlists and listen to the same old stuff, not really listening to all the music in their player.

If you only have 200 bucks to spend, and think you'll get by just fine with only about 16-20 music albums, I say go for it.

For the battery issue, don't let the ipod get too hot. Try not to drop it. And don't let the batteries drain too much. Li Ion batteries 101. They'll be good until you really want that new one in 2-3 years.
Depends on how much of an audiophile you are.
Do you have 500 songs or less? What are they encoded as?
I have no proof, but I have a feeling they are going to bump up the storage amount in the nanos soon
well I just went through a remodel and as an appreciation gift I got our contractor a 2gig nano and he was like a little kid with a new toy....I have to admit that the form factor is very nice and in most cases 2Gigis going to be more than enough....get apple care if you are concerned about the battery as it is a LiO battery and will die just like any other battery (rechargable or not) and that will give you 2 years ease of mind....as for engraving..that is only done when you order directly from apple and select that option then...if you buy from a reseller you would have to have somebody else do that for ya

let me put something in perspective.

i have the following on my Nano (4gb model)

The Complete U2 (460 songs or so)
Yo-Yo Ma unaccompanied Bach cello suites
and 2 other albums.
2.4 gb down the drain already.

dave_graham said:
let me put something in perspective.

i have the following on my Nano (4gb model)

The Complete U2 (460 songs or so)
Yo-Yo Ma unaccompanied Bach cello suites
and 2 other albums.
2.4 gb down the drain already.


what are you averaging for battery life?
just note "1000" songs is 128kbit aac 3 minute songs.

NORMAL encodes, 5-9 minute songs at 192+kbit = 500 songs or so to 3.5gb
obsolete said:
what are you averaging for battery life?

couldn't tell ya...i've got a Garmin/Belkin (whatever) FM transmitter/charger in the car and the dock at home...it spends MOST of its time in my car...i definitely have no problem doing 3 hours of music at a stretch and the battery gauge looks about 1/3 of the way gone at that point.

I just got one this morning. A 4gb white Nano. I gotta say, the apple people make it seem like xmas morning when you get this thing. The packaging makes me all giddy and happy, like a present.

But, again, OP... save up $50 and get a 4gb. It's really much wiser.
I love the Nano. Its looks and works great and sounds really good too.

I encode most mp3s at 256 so the 4gigs is really nothing. Its only logical to assume that apple will release a nano next year with hopefully double or more space. I wish for something like 10-12 gigs would be great but i think the next version will be around 8 gigs.

The battery lasts forever. I never had it die on me. And i carry my nano with me everyday.
Make sure and get the protectors too. I went to my local Apple store and all of the Ipod nanos were all scratched up.
I got a 2GB nano, I have 213 songs on there, with about 1 gig left. battery life is about 12 hours for me.. I love this little thing. I bought an inCase hard leather case for it and its scratch free for the month that i've owned it so far. Highly recommend it.
dave_graham said:
let me put something in perspective.

i have the following on my Nano (4gb model)

The Complete U2 (460 songs or so)
Yo-Yo Ma unaccompanied Bach cello suites
and 2 other albums.
2.4 gb down the drain already.

thats way too much u2 if you ask me...lol
i listen to a TON of music as part of my job. I also drive a ton so, i need a lot of music to keep me going.

it ain't that much at all. :)

One of the nano's selling points (besides its size) is the fact that it uses flash memory. (The iPod mini IIRC had a mini HDD....) If you workout a lot, then I would recommend one, but I personally would rather spend $300-$400 to get one of the new iPod videos. It really comes down to how much music you have and whether or not you really care about sound quality.