iPod 3rd Gen with remote? $35 + shipping PICS

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Aug 1, 2005
I have a iPod 20 GB Model A1059 with remote. The thing stopped working and I have no idea why so I just bought another one. Pictures are below and actually is in great condition. I am looking for $35 + shipping.

Not meaning to derail the thread, but I repair those things on a regular basis:

Crack open the case, seriously. Use a very fine plastic edge piece of plastic (don't use a knife as you'll probably nick the plastic or scratch the metal) and pry the case open so it separates completely front to back. 99% of the time, for some oddball reason, that's enough to make those models work again. I can't explain it, I can't offer a concrete explanation, but at one point in time I had a shoebox with 4th gen iPods in it - over 45 of 'em - and each one I got super-hella-cheap (15 I got for free) because they just stopped working. I opened the case on each, basically 'airing it out' and wham, they started working.

Needless to say I made a considerable profit in the long run when each of those perfectly functional yet oddly not working iPods were finally all sold. :)

Thanks for the tip, I am not too electronic savying so if someone wants it for $35 they may get it for a steal.
Might want to closed this thread and open a new one with the title: "*Broken* iPod 4th Gen with remote? 30+ Shipping PICS". I almost missed it in the description. Just so there's no misunderstandings ;).
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