iPhone Low Disk Space Bug


Limp Gawd
Oct 28, 2004
So my iPhone is acting goofy. I have been getting errors on it saying that there is low disk space and to delete some movies or pictures etc. I have deleted all my music/videos etc and still having the problem. It says I have 0KB left! The odd thing is all of this data is classified under "other" in itunes. I have been googling and it seems that the only real solution is to restore which I really do NOT want to do. Anyone know a fix for this?

I have also tried deleting safari cache/history/etc but no fix. If I do end up having to do a full restore, is there any way to completely backup my iphone such as contact info, alarms, calendar dates, etc? I don't know if all my contact info is really saved on my SIM or not.

Any advice is appreciated and thank you!

BTW the iPhone has been jailbroke.
I had the same problem once, and had to go the restore route - I didn't lose any contacts or calendar dates. I'd anticipate you having the same luck, but honestly theres no/never a guarantee. When you restore you'll backup to the last restore point you had I believe. Hopefully that won't take you back to far. BTW, if you end up going this route, and plan on jailbreaking again, I'd avoid getting the 3.1.3 firmware (only some phones can JB with the apps out, you'll need to read up).
you can jb 3.1.3 on 3g, just did it couple of days ago. google snowbreeze. may need ireb too to get it to work, both are from the same dude.
you can jb 3.1.3 on 3g, just did it couple of days ago. google snowbreeze. may need ireb too to get it to work, both are from the same dude.

Like I said, there are some limitations that he'll have to research since he didn't privide what firmware/model he's using. A 3GS unless it is of a particular release, I believe is still SOL for a 3.1.3 JB due to a different boot loader in effect.
So you can JB a 3.1.3 now? I have an 8gb 3G. Do you need any more info?

Assuming you can't jailbreak 3.1.3 - or if its just too hard or not as simple as using blackrain, how do i do a fresh restore of the iphone and not allow it to update to 3.1.3? see pic.

EDIT: It does seem that it is a bit harder, so how do i not allow it to go to v3.1.3 but instead 3.1.2?
it turns out that you could use Sn0wBreeze 3.1.3 to jailbreak the new iPhone 3.1.3 firmware update. In a detailed video, one could see that it is quite a lengthy procedure.

Read more: How To Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 Firmware with SnowBreeze 3.1.3? | Walyou http://www.walyou.com/blog/2010/02/09/iphone-3-1-3-snowbreeze-jailbreak-3-1-3/#ixzz0iNTFGKVf

Your going to need the original 3.1.2 firmware .ipsw file. Save it to your HDD then Shift + 'click' Restore and choose that particular file instead of updating. IIRC you need to make sure your using the previous version of iTunes as well - not the most current/up to date, but you might need to research that...just remember seeing that mentioned somewhere in my online adventures.
Do you have Rock installed? Apparently there is a known memory leak where the cache file it uses fills up the phone, to fix it you just have to delete it and update to the newest version. I don't use it because cydia is a lot better, but it could be what's causing your issue.
Well, it turns out it was caused by rock. To fix it you have to use a software to browse your iphone and delete the log folder. There was a 6GB log file WTF!

However, apps were still crashing so I just did a clean restore and it feels like a new iPhone again.
using snowbreeze is not a hard process. you simply download 3.1.3 restore file, run snowbreeze which will create a custom firmware ispw file. run ireb, it does its thing and then you restore your phone using itunes by holding shift and hitting restore, select the custom firmware. Wait about 15-20 mins and come back. phone is now 3.1.3 jailbroke.