iPhone doesn't support MMS, eh?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
I'm probably really late to the game, but I don't own one personally. I've known it lacked cut & paste support.. but MMS? Really? I know it has Email, but how many people besides Blackberry owners can actually access Email in an easy and viable way on regular cell phones?

I'm a bit baffled why something as standard as MMS would be left out. Anyone have any insight into this? :rolleyes:
Apple does not want it, so they do not use it, it is as simple as that really.
My co-worker still gets MMS messages, but he has to go to a web page to view them.
Thats really it? I don't get it. MMS is a standard, all cell phones have it.. the only one that doesn't is the iPhone. :confused:
Apple does not want it, so they do not use it, it is as simple as that really.
My co-worker still gets MMS messages, but he has to go to a web page to view them.

And unfortunately (or ironically), that site uses Flash to display the images. You don't even get a tappable link in the text message to go there, you have to go there, enter all the user and password info and hope it loads.
And unfortunately (or ironically), that site uses Flash to display the images. You don't even get a tappable link in the text message to go there, you have to go there, enter all the user and password info and hope it loads.

Yep, he normally views them on his computer at work so it is not a huge deal, other than having to type in the entire URL.
Also, not all phones have MMS like you stated, most smartphones and middle/upper tier phones do, but MMS is still not 100% standard.
Since I sold my iphone 2.5g, I've been using a Samsung flip phone from 2003. Thats 5 years old. It has fucking mms. How could Apple be so stupid? It really is one of the most basic features in the most basic phones. Hell, the samsung doesn't even have a camera...
Yep, he normally views them on his computer at work so it is not a huge deal, other than having to type in the entire URL.
Also, not all phones have MMS like you stated, most smartphones and middle/upper tier phones do, but MMS is still not 100% standard.

Please find me a phone that was made in the last 2 years that doesn't have MMS (minus the iPhone of course ;))
Apple wants to be different.

Its the same reason they jumped to ExpressCard right away before really anything was made with it (and the options are still slim compared to PCMCIA), they were on the firewire craze until they finally accepted that USB is the standard and how its gonna be, and they changed the charging interface on the iPhone/iPod touch so that dumb USB chargers do not work with them (there are now workarounds for this), plus countless other small examples of things like this.

Apple is the genious in making things that force people into using and buying their own ideas and addons and yet do it subtly enough that people dont call monopoly on them like what happens to MS when they do one little thing like that (Apple is much worse at it yet not thought of that way). Or they cloud it under the idea that it is "new" or "better". While for example ExpressCard is better, its not better when there are only a few cards for it all outrageously priced compared to PCMCIA...the better way to do it is like everyone else is where you have a dual PCMCIA and Express Card slot.

Sorry for the rant, but thats the truth. And I just bought a Touch so I am not 100% antiapple or anything, just saying the facts that are Apple.
Sorry for the rant, but thats the truth. And I just bought a Touch so I am not 100% antiapple or anything, just saying the facts that are Apple.

Honestly, I wouldn't say those were facts, more like opinions.

For the record, I appreciate that Apple dropped PCMCIA to support the ExpressCard slot. I think it will be much more useful in the long term.

I hate some of the stuff Apple does, such as this no-MMS BS, but I really like OSX and a lot of the other features that Apple has introduced in the past few years.
Apple wants to be different.
Apple is the genious in making things that force people into using and buying their own ideas and addons and yet do it subtly enough that people dont call monopoly on them like what happens to MS when they do one little thing like that (Apple is much worse at it yet not thought of that way). Or they cloud it under the idea that it is "new" or "better".

ahh yess...the lovely Apple marketing..and the idea of conformism (??) is so PC..lol...While we are on this topic of propietary hardware/software, lets talk about Sony and their memory stick (expensive)DUO cards...etc.:mad:

Honestly, I wouldn't say those were facts, more like opinions.

Opinions I somewhat agree with. Thanks for the rant. For a moment there, I thought I was the only one thinking the same thing about Apple. Jobs is an excellent business man, and I have come to like some of their products over the years. However.......
ahh yess...the lovely Apple marketing..and the idea of conformism (??) is so PC..lol...While we are on this topic of propietary hardware/software, lets talk about Sony and their memory stick (expensive)DUO cards...etc.:mad:

I agree, arguably Sony is the only one worse with a lot of the stunts they pull.

Both Sony and Apple do the same thing, rely a lot on the brand and image and let the rest fall into place.

Not saying they are crap or not good, not saying no one should buy them (like I said I just bought 2x iPod Touchs :p ), just saying facts of what they do. It is facts in their actions.
Honestly, I wouldn't say those were facts, more like opinions.

For the record, I appreciate that Apple dropped PCMCIA to support the ExpressCard slot. I think it will be much more useful in the long term.

More useful than my T61 ExpressCard/PCMCIA slot which works with any PCMCIA card and any ExpressCard? :eek:

That was just one example though, they have countless more if you look back through time of how they monopolize their products. The iPod Dock connector itself was one such thing.

Did you know that Apple requires licensing to use the dock connector at all? If you dont pay an outrageous fee to Apple, they can sue your ass if you use it. This is different than others like the Zune and Creative players that have special docks, but do not require the insane fee to use it. This is why you never see products that connect to the dock for super cheap, the licensing was a good ~$8 in itself which is a ton by licensing on that type of connector. (maybe has changed in recent times as that was a few years ago)

Again, not saying its BAAAAAAADDDD, just saying its truth and facts many do not know and when companies like Microsoft pull anything close to it they get shunned till the end of time while companies like Apple continually do it without too much crap thrown back at them.
Since I sold my iphone 2.5g, I've been using a Samsung flip phone from 2003. Thats 5 years old. It has fucking mms. How could Apple be so stupid? It really is one of the most basic features in the most basic phones. Hell, the samsung doesn't even have a camera...

Who doesn't have fucking email? Everyone does. Every phone does. Take a picture and send an email. With unlimited data it doesn't cost a thing. Why pay extra money just for MMS or SMS?
Who doesn't have fucking email? Everyone does. Every phone does. Take a picture and send an email. With unlimited data it doesn't cost a thing. Why pay extra money just for MMS or SMS?

Who doesn't have email? 90% of the people I would send a picture message to. Just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean that other people don't use features. It wouldn't be on every other phone if it wasn't used.
Who doesn't have fucking email? Everyone does. Every phone does. Take a picture and send an email. With unlimited data it doesn't cost a thing. Why pay extra money just for MMS or SMS?

I'd say just about anyone who doesn't have a Blackberry or iPhone. Sure on some phones you can get Email setup, but it isn't an easy task and isn't nearly as fast as just receiving a text or MMS. All of my friends have regular cell phones, all of them use MMS to send pictures back and forth. The only people I know that have Email are my co-workers, and that's because they have Blackberrys.
Its the same reason they jumped to ExpressCard right away before really anything was made with it (and the options are still slim compared to PCMCIA), they were on the firewire craze until they finally accepted that USB is the standard and how its gonna be, and they changed the charging interface on the iPhone/iPod touch so that dumb USB chargers do not work with them (there are now workarounds for this), plus countless other small examples of things like this.

They finally accepted USB? They were the first company I can think of to ditch the legacy ports and go fully to usb. As far as firewire goes it was their answer to USB 1.1 which sucked for moving large amounts of data. Pretty much USB 1.1 replaced all of the standard ports on a machine other then an external scsi port for hooking up things like hard drives. Also I would prefer they use the express card as it is the future. It should be worth mentioning that a lot of other companies ditched the pc card slot and just threw a single express card slot in. Also I would rather have an express card slot ready for the future then use an express card in a pc card slot that is running it off its usb 2 link. At that point you can just get a usb adapter that does the same thing. I do agree I would rather have a system with both slots on it(Which many pcs do) but given the choice I would rather have express card.

More useful than my T61 ExpressCard/PCMCIA slot which works with any PCMCIA card and any ExpressCard? :eek:
They finally accepted USB? They were the first company I can think of to ditch the legacy ports and go fully to usb. As far as firewire goes it was their answer to USB 1.1 which sucked for moving large amounts of data. Pretty much USB 1.1 replaced all of the standard ports on a machine other then an external scsi port for hooking up things like hard drives. Also I would prefer they use the express card as it is the future. It should be worth mentioning that a lot of other companies ditched the pc card slot and just threw a single express card slot in. Also I would rather have an express card slot ready for the future then use an express card in a pc card slot that is running it off its usb 2 link. At that point you can just get a usb adapter that does the same thing. I do agree I would rather have a system with both slots on it(Which many pcs do) but given the choice I would rather have express card.

Maybe USB was a bad example (and thinking back I think it is), and I was referring more to USB 2.0, not 1.1 which they did accept and then brought firewire out to innovate with and improve with.

But still, you know what I mean. I am not saying its a BAAAAADDDDDDD thing, but it is something they do. Its the foundation of Apple...Think Different.

Why else would they make the iPod Touch and iPhone not charge from regular third party USB chargers for example? Which has worked fine for every other generation of iPod.
Maybe USB was a bad example (and thinking back I think it is), and I was referring more to USB 2.0, not 1.1 which they did accept and then brought firewire out to innovate with and improve with.

But still, you know what I mean. I am not saying its a BAAAAADDDDDDD thing, but it is something they do. Its the foundation of Apple...Think Different.

Why else would they make the iPod Touch and iPhone not charge from regular third party USB chargers for example? Which has worked fine for every other generation of iPod.

I mean they accepted 2.0 quick as well. Thing was that USB2.0 wasn't any better then the much older firewire spec that they already were using. Hell it will bust faster thenfirewire a but over large transfers firewire will beat it. Also firewire was speced for more power which was nice as more devices ran off firewire without needing to use 2 ports or have an ac adapter. Firewire 800 is just the next step and is a much faster spec then USB2. For high speed external equment it is either that is scsi/sas. Now esata is starting to take some of that away as well.

Apple seems to go one of 2 ways. They are either out in front because they control so much of their product and what goes with it that they can switch easy(hell legacy ps2 ports are still in a lot of modern machines as well as parallel ports) or they are doing something off spec that will end up sucking. I agree with dock connector things with the ipods are a joke.
ya, true. They are good with some things at trying to find a new and technologically advanced component or standard, its just not always the best in fitting in with the industry or the industry is not ready for it yet.
They are a business. And they sell their product through a combination of marketing/product innovation, and despite valid points that have been mentioned like ridiculous licensing fees and proprietary connectors, Apple still makes the best selling college laptops, has the greatest market share of home computers at the >$1000 price point, and has by far and away the largest market share of mp3 players. The iPhone is beautiful in many ways and very lacking in many ways; its shortcomings have convinced me to get a Blackberry instead. However, many, many people will overlook the iPhone's shortcomings and buy them anyway.
Doesn't bother me really, as the cellphones I've used for the past 4.5 years haven't had MMS. (Sprint PPC-6700 and the likes)

Still, I find it odd that a phone that is supposed to be multimedia heavy doesn't support it at all.

It's a fairly simple protocol, and I'm sure that apple could probably make a killing by applying their signature "interfaces" to it. Imagine iPhoto on the iPhone? or soemthing similar, like that?
Someone wrote a mms application for the jailbroken iphone... maybe someone will write an official App since Apple doesn't seem to be interested in providing the feature.

I never sent pictures to people's phones.. since I have the e-mail addresses of all my friends, I send pictures to their gmail accounts, etc. instead. I think SMS is already overpriced, but I use it on occasion... I'd rather send e-mails myself, since they are free :)
I like my Blackberry, I would be upset if I couldn't get media messages, and e-mail on my BB is perfectly fine. The only reason anyone would get an iPhone, personally, is just to "look cool". Yes, it's great for video/photos/music(get an iPod), but I think it's a waste. My two cents.
How can Apple do something so stupid? Well, it's all part of "Think different" basically. They don't want what you want, they want you to want what they want you to want (yes, it makes sense, read it again if necessary). Apple has never been about giving people what they want (meaning people), it's about making product they (meaning Apple) wants to sell and would use. It's their corporate mantra basically. As I've said in the past and I'll say again:

I find it considerably ironic that the company that prides itself on "Thinking different" harbors the attitude that "You can't think different unless you think just like us."

Care for some Kool-Aid?

Mad_Pyro said:
... has the greatest market share of home computers at the >$1000 price point ...

You're kidding, right?
Well if I'm not mistaken, you can send pics via email to another phone by using the MMS email address...


...so it kind of negates the need for an MMS app, although it is slightly less convenient.

This is what I've been doing, just added the mms emails as part of the persons contact info, and anyone whom I would care to get an mms from knows my email and just uses that as the 'To' when sending it to me from their phone.

If it had mms I would have had to pay more monthly for that knowing AT&T... so in that regard I'm kinda happy it doesn't have it...
I like my Blackberry, I would be upset if I couldn't get media messages, and e-mail on my BB is perfectly fine. The only reason anyone would get an iPhone, personally, is just to "look cool". Yes, it's great for video/photos/music(get an iPod), but I think it's a waste. My two cents.

"Look cool"? No, I use the iPhone as an iPod also so I don't have to carry 2 devices anymore. Also the number of 3rd party programs offered for the iPhone is another reason. Look at it like this, between buying a Blackberry and an iPod you are going to be right around the same price if not more.

With that being said I have heard the iPhone is like every other phone it has its positives and it has its negatives.
"Look cool"? No, I use the iPhone as an iPod also so I don't have to carry 2 devices anymore. Also the number of 3rd party programs offered for the iPhone is another reason. Look at it like this, between buying a Blackberry and an iPod you are going to be right around the same price if not more.

With that being said I have heard the iPhone is like every other phone it has its positives and it has its negatives.

Actually, a Blackberry by itself is likely going to be the same price or more expensive than the iPhone now. If you look at the price of the iPod touches, the iPhone is actually the same price or cheaper to actually buy from the consumer's perspective.
They are a business. And they sell their product through a combination of marketing/product innovation, and despite valid points that have been mentioned like ridiculous licensing fees and proprietary connectors, Apple still makes the best selling college laptops, has the greatest market share of home computers at the >$1000 price point, and has by far and away the largest market share of mp3 players. The iPhone is beautiful in many ways and very lacking in many ways; its shortcomings have convinced me to get a Blackberry instead. However, many, many people will overlook the iPhone's shortcomings and buy them anyway.

I am confused, where does apple get this best selling college laptop crap?

All the schools I have seen stats for have an increasing share of Apple, but are still the majority PC. The one I go to right now is roughly 30% Apple and 70% PC. The one before that was 20%/80%. and my friends is roughly 15%/85%...

The only ones I know around here that have majority Apple are design and art schools.