iPhone 5 Exclusive on Sprint

Meh.. I doubt its true. Apple wants money. Sprint is in third place.
Nice! (if true) I've been trying get my wife to move to Sprint for years now, but she'll always "needed" to have the newest Apple device. This should push her over the edge.
All I care about is the iPhone 5 on Sprint, don't care if it's exclusive or not.
Wish it would be LTE though since there is now LTE service in my area and no WiMax.
I didn't say it was confirmed either, but its definitely upsetting if its accurate. Sprint is a shit storm of a service provider.
Sure, it makes absolute sense. Why wouldn't Apple a tier 1 manufacture that has among the best contracts with numerous companies spur them for a company that isn't doing well to sell their new market cap exploding product?

Or, more than likely it's FUD to generate hits and ad revenue.

Apple is known for doing things that tip experts off balance (in regards to technology and product creation/elimination), but not things that make no fiscal sense what-so-ever.
There could be market backlash for isolating a dieing carrier, but $20 billion is a lot of money. Chances are, the 4S would still sell like crazy on Verizon and AT&T with the added bonus of a guaranteed market share from Sprint.
So Apple will give Verizon the exclusive "iPhone 5a", and ATT the exclusive "iPhone 5b".
Zealots don't like second best. Assuming that the 4S, is the new lower end iPhone and the 5 is top tier, it doesn't make sense to put the top tier device onto the provider that will not benefit its current user base.
Now, if the article read that the 4S was Sprint exclusive and the 5 was going to AT&T/Verizon, that would make more sense.

Also, as a side note, if Wikipedia's numbers on Sprint's well being are accurate, I don't think they have 20 billion to just toss around. That's over 2/3rds of their revenue for a year.
I'll admit that I don't know how much cash they have in reserves, but I would take a $20 US bet that they can't afford it.
Wouldn't be surprised to see 5 on Sprint, but exclusivity?
Boy Genius Report is pure linkbait. I love Apple rumors and sites like MacRumors, 9to5mac, etc., but BGR is less than stellar.
Not gonna lie, I'm ready to jump ship to ANY carrier besides AT&T, and I hear Sprint is actually fairly reasonably priced. Plus they have 4G and all that.
lolololololololololoolol thanks for the laugh

You beat me to it. ;)

I think it's safe to say the iPhone is coming to Sprint. As an exclusive? Get real.

Not gonna lie, I'm ready to jump ship to ANY carrier besides AT&T, and I hear Sprint is actually fairly reasonably priced. Plus they have 4G and all that.

They have WiMAX, not LTE. And the iPhone would actually have to support that technology before you could use it, so "Carrier X has 4G!" is utterly irrelevant.
Sprint is a good carrier--I've been very happy with them. Not sure why people are hating.
I dont think itll be exclusive on sprint. Apple will be just shooting itself in the foot if it does that.
it didn't shoot itself by oging with att first and their deal was set up similarly where att paid big time for exclusivity -

a lot of talk for such a rumor...who the hell releases info like this anyways...
Intriguing, but unlikely. Particularly with Spring's LTE buildout underway. Wi-MAX's track record for performance is abysmal and is very much a dying technology. Now, an LTE 5 on Verizon? Oh, the gods will be smiling on me indeed.
Sprint is a good carrier--I've been very happy with them. Not sure why people are hating.

I don't 'hate' Sprint. I only have pointed out that it makes zero financial sense for Apple and Sprint and Sprint more than likely don't have the money to pay anyone $20 billion.

If you were the CEO of Apple, would you make the iPhone 5, your hottest new product, be available on the network with the least amount of subscribers, AND literally none of your user base? Sure, there will be people that move to Sprint, but upsetting your entire AT&T and Verizon user base to essentially force them to move plans to get the latest and greatest is a recipe for disaster. Least of which is that Sprint with its new found success would get messed up pretty quick. If Verizon and AT&T are feeling like they are having trouble with data on their network, how would Sprint feel with their unlimited data and arguably the hottest phone (exclusively)?
The situation was a lot different when the first iPhone came out. For one Apple wanted a carrier that would let them do what they wanted in terms of software, features (visual voicemail), and phone sales. (Walk in with money, leave five minutes later with a phone.) I still loathe the Motorola Razr my Dad got on Verizon after seeing mine on T-Mobile. The buttons were completely changed along with the branded, difficult to use software with a dozen Verizon apps.

it didn't shoot itself by oging with att first and their deal was set up similarly where att paid big time for exclusivity -

a lot of talk for such a rumor...who the hell releases info like this anyways...
It sounds like someone just twisted the message. They have probably agreed to pay $20 billion out over 4 years by buying x number of handsets. The deal is not exclusive, just a way for Sprint to get in on the Apple gravy train.
It sounds like someone just twisted the message. They have probably agreed to pay $20 billion out over 4 years by buying x number of handsets. The deal is not exclusive, just a way for Sprint to get in on the Apple gravy train.

Well if you read the BGR report, and the original Wallstreet tweet, you'll find that this is 100% conjecture that BGR is pushing out. For what it's worth, I agree with what you're saying, and I came to the same conclusion.
Well if you read the BGR report, and the original Wallstreet tweet, you'll find that this is 100% conjecture that BGR is pushing out. For what it's worth, I agree with what you're saying, and I came to the same conclusion.

Technically, it was regarding a conversation that BGR was having with an exclusive contact who is "in the know". I'm not giving it credibility, but I am saying it wasn't just speculation.
If Apple wanted to end Sprint by making them the only carrier, thus having all of At&t's customers and Verizon's jump ship to destroy Sprint's network, than I would be fine with that. I just highly doubt that it's going to be exclusive, but rumors are good on the internet to get site hits.